April 26, 2004
Committee on Committees
(Final - Information)
CC.04.14 2003-2004 Annual Report
The Committee on Committees is charged to nominate candidates for (1) Chair and Vice-Chair of Senate Executive Committee (SEC), (2) standing and ad hoc committees of the Senate, and (3) service on other University bodies designated by the Senate.[1] The Committee also responds to various other requests for nominations or comments on nominations to committees. The following summarizes Committee activities during its 2003-2004 term.Standing Committees of the Senate. Vacancies on Standing Committees of the Senate and MEC, CBOC and SURSMAC were filled following Senate action on the following reports: CC.04.03, CC.04.04, CC.04.05, and CC.04.10. Nominations for Chair/Vice-Chair of SEC were submitted via e-mail for Senate approval. Nominations for Membership on University Senates Conference (CC.04.01), and for 2003-04 standing committees and on the Military Education Council (CC.04.02) were submitted for approval at the organizational meeting of the 2003-04 Senate.
Governing and Advisory Bodies. In accord with the Bylaws, the Committee recommended students for appointment by the Provost to the General Education Board and submitted CC.04.07 for Senate approval of nominees to the Athletic Board. As a consequence of continuing administrative review of appropriate strategies for program evaluation, nominations to membership on COPE were not required.
Representatives to Other Bodies. In addition to nominations for service on the Military Education Council (see above), nominations were made for memberships on the State University Retirement System Members Advisory Committee, and on the Research Policy Committee (CC.04.06).
Other Committees. Faculty were recommended to the Chancellor for appointment to the Campus Committee on Commencement; to the Provost for the Criminal History Appeals Committee; as well as to the Campus Grievance Procedures Task Force and NCAA Review Committee; to University Senates Conference for the Central Administration Budget and University Benefits Study Committee; and for the Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee, nominations were submitted to SEC for review prior to consultation between the SEC Chair and the Provost. Nominations were also submitted for Faculty Membership (CC.04.08) and for Student Membership (CC.04.09) on a Consultative Committee to assist in the Selection of a President; nominations for Chair (CC.04.12) and nominations for membership (CC.04.13) of the Search Committee to Advise the President on the Selection of a Chancellor.
The Committee on Committees gratefully acknowledges the work of its Secretary, Diana Morris, and Clerk of the Senate Robert Damrau for their considerable effort in producing the numerous reports, mailings, and lists that have so effectively facilitated the work of the Committee.
Committee on Committees John Prussing, Chair Nancy Blake Robert Darmody Felipe Hillard Frank Lacson Gay Miller Nina Tarr Corey Zeller[1] Relevant details are found in the Bylaws of the Senate, Part D -- Standing Committees, Part E -- Governing and Advisory Bodies, and Part F -- Senate Representatives to Other Bodies