Committee on Committees
(Final - Action)
Nominations for Membership on the
University Senates Conference
There are nine (9) representatives from the
Urbana campus to the University Senates Conference. Continuing members of the
Urbana delegation to the USC, and the years their terms expire:
Michael Grossman ACES 2005
Edwin Herricks ENGR 2004
Nancy O’Brien LIBR 2004
David Sisson VMED 2005
Bryan White ACES 2004
Priscilla Yu LIBR 2005
The following faculty senators are nominated for three-year terms on USC, expiring in 2006. (Bio-sketches of each nominee may be found here.) If no additional nominations are made, the three (3) nominees below will be declared elected: Joseph Finnerty BUS Barclay Jones ENGR Richard Schacht LAS Committee on Committees John Prussing, Chair Nancy Blake Robert Darmody Felipe Hillard Ronald Peters Amy Sponsler
Billie Theide
Amanda Vinicky
Nominations from the floor
must be accompanied by the nominee's signed statement of willingness to serve if
elected. The statement shall be dated and include the name of the position to
be filled. If present, the nominee's oral statement will suffice.