December 8, 2003
URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SENATE Committee on Committees
(Final - Action) CC.04.06 Nominations for Membership on the Research Policy Committee (RPC) Background In accord with a substitute motion for SP.96.03 approved by the Senate on March 19, 2001, there will be one campus Research Policy Committee appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR). The RPC will consist of: 1 chair appointed by the VCR in consultation with the Senate; 1 representative from the Campus Research Board appointed by the VCR; the Dean of the Graduate College; 10 faculty - 5 appointed each year, 4 from a pool of nominees provided by the Senate and 1 appointed directly by the VCR; 1 graduate student and 1 undergraduate student. RPC members whose terms have expired this year are Richard Buckius, Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, John Erdman, Karl Hess, Keith Hjelmstad, David Kranz, and Constance Shapiro, and undergraduate student Andrew Erskine. Nominations Faculty:
Janice Bahr ACES
May Berenbaum LAS
Bruce Berndt LAS
Susan Cohen BUS
Roberto Docampo VMED
Robert Dodds ENGR
Mark Kushner ENGR
Jean-Pierre Leburton ENGR
William O'Brien ENGR
Patrick Weatherhead ACES Undergraduate Student:
None Graduate/Professional Student:
None Continuing Members of the RPC Faculty:
Lizanne DeStefano EDUC 2004
John Katzenellenbogen LAS 2004
Bruce Michelson LAS 2004
Alan Nathan ENGR 2004
Committee on Committees
John Prussing, Chair
Nancy Blake
Robert Darmody
Felipe Hillard
Frank Lacson
Gay Miller
Nina Tarr
Corey Zeller