University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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Urbana-Champaign Senate
September 27, 1999, 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium

I. Approval of April 19, April 26 and May 3, 1999, Senate Minutes

II. Senate Council Report - Robert Rich, Chair

III. Chancellor's Remarks

IV. Questions/Discussion

V. Proposals for Action

Note: The five proposals from the Educational Policy Committee below (EP.99.26 through EP.99.30) will be considered and voted on as a block. Any of these five items can be considered and voted on separately by request of any senator at the meeting.

Proposal for the Reorganization of the Biological Sciences in LAS
Educational Policy (R. M. Leuthold, Chair) EP.99.26

Proposal for the Formation of a School of Integrative Biology in LAS
Educational Policy EP.99.27

Proposal for the Formation of a School of Molecular and Cellular Biology in LAS
Educational Policy EP.99.28

Proposal to change the Name of the Department of Ecology, Ethology and Evolution to the Department of Animal Biology
Educational Policy EP.99.29

Proposal for the Formation of a Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Educational Policy EP.99.30

Resolution of Appreciation for Professor Richard Schacht
Senate Council SC.00.03

Resolution on Faculty Representation to the Board of Trustees
Senate Council/General University Policy SC.00.04/GP.98.08

Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate
Committee on Committees (T. F. Conry, Chair) CC.00.04

Nominations for Membership on the Fifth Senate Review Commission
Committee on Committees CC.00.03

VI. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes (First Reading)

Proposed Amendment to the Statutes, Article VII, Section 5 to Rename the Cooperative Extension Service to University of Illinois Extension
University Statutes and Senate Procedures (R. M. Fossum, Chair) SP.98.03

Statutes and Reschooling of Academic Units within a College
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.99.07

Proposed Revisions to the Statutes, Article II, Section 4 - Faculty Advisory Committee
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.00.05

VII. Proposed Revisions to the Bylaws

Election of Senate Council Chair and Vice-Chair
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.99.11

Proposed Revisions to the Bylaws Part A.2 - Meetings
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.99.12

Proposed Revisions to the Bylaws Part D.10.(b) - Committee on Educational Policy, Membership
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.00.03

VIII. Proposed Changes to Election Rules for Faculty Senators

Proposed Changes to Election Rules for Faculty Senators
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.00.04

IX. Reports of the Proceedings of Other Meetings

April 14-15, K. E. Andersen, SC.99.15
May 25-26, H. Von Gunden, SC.99.17
July 7-8, R. Schacht; G. Belford, SC.99.16
September 1-2, K. E. Andersen, SC.00.05

April 30, T. Weech, HE.99.08
May 21, R. Fossum, HE.99.09
June 25, R. Fossum, HE.99.10

USC (G.Belford)
April 21, UC.99.07
May 11, UC.99.08
June 15, UC.99.09
July 14, UC.99.10

X. New Business

Matters not included on the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without the concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting.

XI. Adjournment

The Annual Meeting of the Faculty will commence in Foellinger Auditorium
immediately following the conclusion of the above agenda.
All are invited to attend both the annual meeting, hosted
by Senate Council, and the post-meeting reception,
sponsored by the Chancellor.