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September 27, 1999


Senate Council

SC.00.03 Resolution of Appreciation for Professor Richard Schacht

At its meeting on August 30, 1999, Senate Council unanimously approved the following Resolution of Appreciation to Professor Richard Schacht:

To Professor Richard Schacht, longtime faculty member from the Department of Philosophy, and immediate past two-term Chair of Senate Council, the members of this body express appreciation for his wise leadership, his vigorous support of academic excellence at this institution, and his efforts on behalf of its faculty and students.

Professor Schacht was first elected to the post of Senate Council Chair for the 1997-98 academic year; he was re-elected Chair the following year. He has guided us through many challenging issues during his years as Chair.

He has helped us position ourselves to meet our challenges, and he has seen opportunities for us in and beyond these challenges as well; and he has shown remarkable skill in guiding the Senate and the Senate Council to make the most of these opportunities.

The initiatives he has fostered to preserve and enhance the quality of this institution, and the example of his stewardship and leadership, have been and will remain of vital importance.

We are fortunate indeed to once again have his wise and experienced counsel on Senate Council for the 1999-2000 academic year.

Robert Rich, Chair
Geneva Belford
Paul Byrne
Haydn Chen
Thomas Conry
Robert Fossum
Earl Grinols
Raymond Leuthold
Brandon McKinney
Steve Seitz
Wes Seitz
Lawrence Tabone
Terry Weech