Illinois Board of Higher Education/
Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting
21 May 1999
Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU)
Chicago, Illinois
The IBHE/FAC met on 21 May 1999 at Northeastern Illinois University. It was called to order at 9:05 AM by its chair, Fred Flener, NEIU. He immediately introduced Salme H. Steinberg, President of NEIU.
President Steinberg welcomed the members of FAC to the NEIU campus. She presented a snapshot of the university to the members, mentioning in particular, that 52% of the student body of the commuter institution is from under represented groups. She further expounded on several goals of the university---to emphasize international experiences and to enhance appreciation of fine arts.
After President Steinberg completed her remarks, Flener introduced Ann Bragge, Interim Deputy Director of IBHE, who discussed the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) and its effect on general education curricula at IBHE affected institutions.
IAI was started by IBHE about six and half years ago in order to facilitate transfer of students from one Illinois institution to another. Goals were to establish a General Education Core Curriculum that each institution would incorporate so that credit would transfer with no question, to consider other lower division courses, and computerize the whole thing.
Five steering panels and twenty-eight other panels were established. These panels agreed on standards for core courses in the general education core curriculum that were in turn endorsed by IBHE. They are "marked" in each institution so that students and transcript auditors alike know which courses are part of the curriculum. Evaluation and review of the IAI is to begin in 1999 or 2000.
Bragg gave an overview of the proposed review/evaluation process.
After the presentation, a long discussion ensued precipitated by such questions as:
- Is there a mandate to teach the material in each course?
- Are the courses mandated?
The committee then went on with other business; the remainder of the morning session being devoted to discussing two items:
- The proposal by a subcommittee that requests an opportunity for members of FAC to participate in the initial stages of budget preparation. [After some minor amendments, the proposal was adopted.]
- Informal reciprocity tuition agreements between SIU and neighboring state institutions.
SIU had entered into informal agreements with institutions in counties of neighboring states to charge in-state tuition for residents of those counties. (These counties in turn charged in-state tuition for Illinois residents who attended their institutions.) Recently a 3% cap on tuition rebates has been strictly enforced which has led SIU to abandon, unilaterally, these agreements. It was mentioned that this had had several negative consequences on SIU and on the students in the SIU region of the state. A resolution on reciprocity agreements was proposed and passed. [See the attached resolution.] It asked that the rebates made under these agreements not be counted against the 3% limit on tuition waivers. It also asked that IBHE examine the issue of tuition reciprocity agreements between Illinois and neighboring states on a statewide basis.
The NEIU student trustee then reported to the committee on a bill that was awaiting the governor's signature. The bill (H.B.2218) would alter significantly the terms for student trustees and terms of office on subcommittees of the NEIU Board of Trustees so as to prohibit effectively membership by the student trustee on any of these subcommittees. The FAC decided that it could take no position on such legislation.
The meeting adjourned at about 2:00 PM.
Robert M. Fossum
(attending for Terry Weech)