April 26, 2004
Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures
SP.04.10 Annual Report for 2003-2004
(Final; Information)
Seventeen items were considered by the Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures (USSP) this year, of which six were held over from previous years and one is this report. As of the date of writing this report (prior to the April 26, 2004 meeting of the Senate), the status of these items is as follows:
A. Items passed by the Senate.
SP.02.03, Revision to the Bylaws, Part F – Senate Representatives to Other Bodies
In May 2001, the Senate passed Substitute Motion for SP.96.03, Proposal for UIUC Research Policy Committee and the UIUC Senate Role. USSP proposed revision to the Bylaws to formally recognize the Research Policy Committee. The Senate approved the proposal on November 3, 2003.
SP.04.01, 2003-2004 Urbana-Champaign Senate Membership
This report to the organizational meeting listed the elected members of the new Senate. It was adopted by the new Senate on April 21, 2003.
SP.04.04,Revisions to the Bylaws, Part D.9(b) – Committee on Educational Policy
The Committee on Educational Policy (EP) unanimously approved a recommendation to add to its membership an ex officio member representing the Graduate College. USSP proposed a revision to the Bylaws to reflect that membership change. The Senate approved the proposal on November 3, 2003.
SP.04.05, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.8 – Committee on Continuing Education and Public Service
The Senate Committee on Continuing Education and Public Service and the Vice Chancellor for Public Engagement and Institutional Relations requested a Bylaws change to rename the committee and revise its charge. The proposed name, Senate Committee on Public Engagement, and the revisions to the charge update the committee’s duties and reflect the institution’s increasing commitment to addressing societal issues by expanding the scope and scale of its activities. The Senate approved the proposal on March 29, 2004.
SP.04.06, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.17 – Committee on University Senates Conference
When the Springfield campus was added to the University of Illinois system, the composition of the University Senates Conference was revised in the Statutes; however, the Bylaws were overlooked. USSP proposed a revision to the Bylaws to bring it into conformity with the Statutes. The Senate approved the proposal on February 16, 2004.
SP.04.07, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.9(b) – Committee on Educational Policy, Membership
The Office of Continuing Education requested ex officio membership on the Committee on Educational Policy (EP), since it is well positioned to bring a valuable perspective to EP regarding issues and trends in extended education and external degrees, in distance education, and in continuing professional education. USSP proposed a revision to the Bylaws to reflect that membership change. The Senate approved the proposal on February 16, 2004.
SP.04.08, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.13 – Committee on Honorary Degrees
It has been customary for the Senate to meet in Executive Session when discussing honorary degree candidates. The new language merely codifies this custom. During the discussion of the nomination of 2004 honorary degree candidates, the question of qualification criteria used by the Committee on Honorary Degrees was raised. The new language will assure that future committees use uniform standards in their recommendations. The Senate approved the proposal on March 29, 2004.
B. Items presented to the Senate for information.
SP.04.02, Faculty and Student Electorate and Senator Distribution
This report provided a statistical analysis of the membership of the new Senate. It was reported to the organizational meeting on April 21, 2003.
C. Items scheduled for Senate action at the April 26, 2004 meeting.
SP.04.09, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.19(b) – Committee on University Student Life, Membership
The Senate Committee on University Student Life (USL) approved a recommendation to designate a student Vice-Chair. USL exists to address student concerns and thus requires a significant student participation. Having a student Vice-Chair would provide the students a way to bring concerns to the attention of the committee and would give students more of a voice.
D. Items removed from the Committee agenda without being presented to the Senate.
SP.00.06, Multi-Year Contracts for Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Academic Staff
This item was combined with SP.04.03.
SP.03.09, Revision to the Statutes Re: Severe Sanctions for Academic Staff
This item was combined with SP.04.03.
SP.04.11, Appointment of 2004-05 Senate Parliamentarians
This has been accomplished. The parliamentarians are Ken Andersen and George Friedman.
E. Items to be carried over to 2004-2005.
SP.99.06, Editorial Revisions to the Bylaws
In April of 1998, USSP presented editorial changes and updates of the Statutes to the Senate. In an effort to make all Senate documents uniform, USSP will review the Bylaws. At the same time, USSP will check for gender-neutral language throughout the Bylaws.
SP.01.04, Revision to the Statutes, Article XIII, Section 8.a – General Provisions, Amendments
This item was proposed by a Senator. Amendments to the Statutes usually arise in one of the Senates.After a proposed amendment has passed a Senate it is sent to the University Senates Conference (USC) which sends the proposal to the other campus Senates. After a proposed amendment has passed all Senates it is made uniform as to text by USC and then passed on to the President for transmission to the Board of Trustees. It is proposed that when the Senates do not concur as to an amendment’s text, then USC shall endeavor to promote agreement among the Senates and that a proposed amendment may not be forwarded to the President until agreement by the Senates has been reached. USSP continues to study the question and need for an amendment.
SP.02.06, Revision to the Standing Rules, Section 11 – Election of a Senate Council Member from the Committee on the University Senates Conference
The Report of the ad hoc Committee on the Implementation of the Report of the Fifth Senate Review Commission recommended that the nine University Senates Conference representatives from UIUC elect their own representative to the Senate Executive Committee. USSP continues to discuss this recommendation.
SP.04.03, Multi-Year Contracts and Dismissal for Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Academic Staff
USSP is considering the statutory revisions necessary to provide for multi-year contracts for certain non-tenure track academic staff not currently eligible for contracts longer than one year and to establish appropriate dismissal and notice of non-renewal procedures for persons holding such multi-year contracts. In particular, the amendments to Article X would allow multi-year contracts for the following academic staff: teaching associate, research associate, clinical associate, lecturer, instructor, and any regular professorial rank modified by the addition of research, clinical, or adjunct titles (e.g., research associate professor, clinical professor, adjunct assistant professor). USSP continues to work on this amendment.
University Statutes and Senate Procedures
Joseph Finnerty, Chair
Linda Beale
Geneva Belford
John Campbell
H. George Friedman
Alfred Kagan
Vera V. Mainz
Robert Plummer
Robert C. Damrau, ex officio
Thomas Eakman, Observer
Kathleen Pecknold, ex officio