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March 29, 2004


University Statutes and Senate Procedures
(Final; Action)

SP.04.05 Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.8 - Committee on Continuing Education and Public Service

The current members of the Senate Committee on Continuing Education and Public Service and the Vice Chancellor for Public Engagement and Institutional Relations have requested a Bylaws change to rename the committee and revise its charge. The proposed name, Senate Committee on Public Engagement, and the revisions to the charge update the committee's duties and reflect the institution's increasing commitment to addressing societal issues by expanding the scope and scale of its activities.

Public engagement is the application for the public good of the knowledge and expertise of a faculty or staff member to issues of societal importance. Typically, this activity is done in collaboration with others inside and outside the university. The activity may enrich research and teaching as well as lead to new directions within the university.

Land-grant universities have a special covenant with the public to address the needs of society today and tomorrow. Across the country, land-grant universities are renewing this covenant to the public and adopting new strategies of engagement. This is reflected by the commitment to go beyond conventional outreach and public service programs and create collaborative and/or interactive relationships that emphasize the reciprocity and shared decision making involved in generating and conveying university knowledge and resources where both the university and society benefit.

The office of the Vice Chancellor for Public Engagement and Institutional Relations was created to advance the university's engagement with society. The Committee on Public Engagement will advise the vice chancellor and provide input on trends in public engagement including how it is supported, rewarded, recognized and organized within the university.

The Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures and the Senate Committee on Continuing Education and Public Service recommends approval of the following revisions to the Bylaws. Text to be deleted is in [square brackets] and text to be added is underscored.


8. Committee on [Continuing Education and Public Service] Public Engagement

(a) Duties

[The committee shall examine, and make recommendations to the Senate and the administrative officers of the campus for appropriate action concerning existing and possible future University continuing-education and public-service activities and programs.

"Continuing education" refers to the provision of educational service, on or off the campus, to adults for whom the student role is secondary, for example, correspondence and television courses, short courses, and evening or extension classes.

"Public service" refers to advice and assistance rendered by University personnel to other individuals and organizations, private and public, in various contexts regardless of whether the service is undertaken by the University or individuals and of whether the participants are compensated or reimbursed for expenses. It includes, but is not limited to, applied research and survey services for industry and government; advisory and consulting services by faculty members; involvement of students in field courses and volunteer programs; work with disadvantaged people in poor neighborhoods; and relationships between this campus and other parts of the higher-education system, such as the community college.]

Public engagement is the application for the public good of the knowledge and expertise of a faculty or staff member to issues of societal importance. Typically, this activity is done in collaboration with others inside and outside the university. The activity may enrich research and teaching as well as lead to new directions within the university.

The Committee shall:

1. Identify and consider programs, needs, concerns and interests of the faculty, staff and students pertaining to public engagement and recommend desirable changes in campus policy.
2. Examine trends in public engagement here and in higher education generally, and recommend appropriate changes in campus policy and ways to facilitate best practices with external constituencies.
3. Advise the Senate on matters of public engagement as appropriate including relevant matters brought forward by the Senate membership, faculty, staff and students, and the administration.
4. Serve in a broad advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Public Engagement and Institutional Relations.

(b) Membership
The Committee shall consist of:
1. Five faculty members,
2. One academic professional member,
3. Two students,
4. The [Director of the Office of Continuing Education] Vice Chancellor for Public Engagement and Institutional Relations or the [Director's] Vice Chancellor's designee (ex officio), and
5. Such other ex officio members from among the administrative officers of the campus as the voting members shall recommend and the Senate shall approve.

Joseph Finnerty, Chair
Linda Beale
Geneva Belford
John Campbell
H. George Friedman
Alfred Kagan
Vera Mainz
Robert Plummer
Robert C. Damrau, ex officio
Thomas M. Eakman, Observer
Kathleen Pecknold, ex officio (designee)