University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate
Monday, November 11, 2024
3:10 – 5:15 pm
Illini Union Ballroom (2nd Floor) and Zoom
- Call to Order
- H. George Friedman, Jr., Presiding Officer of the Senate
- Approval of Remote Participation
- Unanimous consent unless a senator objects.
- Approval of Floor Privileges
- Unanimous consent unless a senator objects.
- Approval of Minutes
- October 14, 2024
- Public Comment
- No more than 3 minutes per speaker.
- Senate Executive Committee Chair’s Remarks
- Jon Hale, SEC Chair
- Chancellor’s Remarks
- Bill Bernhard, Executive Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Interim Associate Chancellor and Vice Provost for Budget and Resource Planning
- Questions From Senators
- No more than 2 minutes per senator.
- Consent Agenda
- EP.25.024, Establish the Center for Research and Innovation in Technology-Enhanced Learning in the College of Education
- EP.25.027, Eliminate the Concentration in Athletic Training in the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology in the College of Applied Health Sciences
- EP.25.028, Eliminate the Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training in the College of Applied Health Sciences
- EP.25.034, Revise Section 3-307 of the Student Code (Late Registration Fee)
- Proposals
- CC.25.13, Election of Members on Standing Committees of the Senate at the November 11, 2024Senate Meeting
- Chaya Sandler, Chair of Committee on Committees
- CC.25.13, Election of Members on Standing Committees of the Senate at the November 11, 2024Senate Meeting
- Committee of the Whole – 60 minutes
- SP.25.03, Committee of the Whole Discussion Regarding the Amended Proposed Revision to the Statutes (USC ST-83 Revised)
- David Dalpiaz, Chair of University Statutes and Senate Procedures
- No more than 3 minutes per speaker.
- Supplemental Documents
- SP.25.02, Amended Proposed Revision to the Statutes (USC ST-83 Revised)
- UIS Senate Resolution RS 53-09 (03-08-2024)
- USC Response to Urbana Senate Feedback (08-05-2024)
- Transmittal letter from University Senates Conference (USC) (08-27-2024)
- ST-83 USC Amended Proposed Revision to the Statutes (Transmitted to the President and three senates on 08-28-2024)
- Addendum from USC Statutes and Governance Committee (10-09-2024)
- SP Memo to SEC for Transmission to USC (10-23-2024)
- Input from:
- Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure
- Senate Committee on General University Policy
- Senate Committee on the Library
- Council of Academic Professionals
- Faculty Advisory Committee
- The Graduate College
- Prairie Research Institute
- Letter to SEC from select Philosophy faculty members (11-09-2024)
- SP.22.01, Proposed Revision to the Statutes (USC ST-83)
- SP.25.02, Amended Proposed Revision to the Statutes (USC ST-83 Revised)
- SP.25.03, Committee of the Whole Discussion Regarding the Amended Proposed Revision to the Statutes (USC ST-83 Revised)
- Reports for Information
- EP.25.025, Report of Administrative Approvals Through November 11, 2024
- New Business
- Matters not included in the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without concurrence of a majority of the members present and voting. Such matters may not be acted upon at the meeting in which they are introduced, according to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.
- Matters not included in the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without concurrence of a majority of the members present and voting. Such matters may not be acted upon at the meeting in which they are introduced, according to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.
- Adjournment
- At the conclusion of business or 5:15 pm, whichever occurs first.