Urbana-Champaign Senate
November 3, 2008; 3:10 p.m.
Levis Faculty Center
I. Approval of October 6, 2008, Senate Minutes
II. Senate Executive Committee Report—Nicholas Burbules, Chair
SC.09.04 |
Senate Executive Committee |
III. President’s Remarks—B. Joseph White
IV. Chancellor’s Remarks—Richard Herman
V. Questions/Discussion
VI. Consent Agenda
These items will only be distributed via If a senator has questions about a proposal, they should contact the Committee Chair. If they wish to move a proposal from Consent Agenda to Proposals for Action and have copies at the meeting, they must notify the Senate Office at least two business days before the meeting.
EP.09.01 |
Educational Policy |
VII. Proposals for Action
CC.09.05 |
Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate |
Committee on Committees |
GP.09.02 |
Resolution on Allowed Political Activities of Campus Employees |
General University Policy |
VIII. Proposed Revisions to the Senate Constitution and Bylaws (First Reading)
SP.08.13 |
University Statutes and Senate Procedures |
IX. Reports for Information of the Senate
HE.09.03 |
FAC/IBHE, October 10 |
K. Andersen |
SUR.09.01 |
SURSMAC, October 14 |
K. Andersen, H. F. Williamson |
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment