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September 25, 2000


Committee on Committees
(Final - Action)

CC.01.04 Nominees for Membership on the Search Committee to Advise the President on the Selection of a Chancellor

After Chancellor Michael Aiken announced his retirement, effective in August 2001, the Committee on Committees scheduled a series of meetings to develop a slate of nominees. In an effort to reach as many faculty as quickly as possible, the Committee sent a letter (e-mail) soliciting faculty nominations to all senators, to all faculty, and to deans, directors, and department heads. The Committee also sent a similar letter to student senators and student government leaders. In each of these efforts, the Committee requested that nominations be submitted no later than September 8, 2000. As a result the Committee received and evaluated 94 faculty nominations and a small number of undergraduate and graduate student nominations.

According to Article V, Section 11, of the Senate Constitution, faculty senators nominate and elect faculty members of search committees, and student senators nominate and elect student members of search committees in separate votes. Therefore, any nominations made from the floor will be sub-ject to those restrictions. In addition, any nomination from the floor must be supported by the proposed nominee's signed and dated statement of willingness to serve on the search committee. If the nominee is present at the Senate meeting, an oral statement to that effect will suffice. (Biographical sketches of all nominees may be found here; full vitae for faculty nominees are available for review in the Senate Office.)

Faculty Nominees (5 to be elected by Senate; 3 by Senate Council)

James D. Anderson (EDUC)
Roger Koenker (CBA)
Richard Blahut (ENGR)
Josef Lakonishok (CBA)
Lizanne DeStefano (EDUC)
Ed McAuley (ALS)
David Daniel (ENGR)
Nancy O'Brien (LIBR)
John Erdman (ACES)
Doug Parrett (ACES)
Bill Greenough (LAS)
Raymond Price (ENGR)
Achsah Guibbory (LAS)
Susan Wells (SSW)
Walt Harrington (COMM)
George Yu (LAS)
Lewis Hopkins (FAA)

Student Nominees (1 each to be elected)

Undergraduate Students:
Wade Ackerman LAS
Graduate/Professional Students:
Billy Vaughn GRAD
Brandon McKinney LAS

Other Nominees (1 each to be elected)

David L. Chicoine (ACES)
Kathleen F. Conlin (FAA)

Academic Professional:
Terry Jobin
Deborah Lee

Non-Academic Employee:
Bernard Hettinger
Christa Pritchard

Committee on Committees
Karen Chapman-Novakofski, Chair
Meredith Blumthal
Oscar Biondolillo
Peter Colwell
Thomas F. Conry
Linda Smith
Billy Vaughn
Emily Watts