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Acting Director of Afro-American Studies and Research Program; Professor, Department of Educational Policy Studies; Professor, Department of History; Interim Associate Dean, Graduate College, 1996-1998; Head, Department of Educational Policy Studies, 1994-present; Advisory Committee for Afro-American Studies and Research Program; search committee for Dean of College of Communications; Faculty Advisory Committee, 1985-1988; Chancellor's Task Force on Campus Priorities, 1988; Chancellor's Committee to Combat Discrimination;1989-1990 Chairperson of the Athletic Board of the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics; Executive Committee of the Graduate College; Chancellor's Committee on Minority Affairs; search Committee for Dean of College of Education; Chairperson of Budget and Planning Committee, 1981-1984; Council of Department Executives, 1994-present.

Fellow in the Center for Advanced Study; Outstanding Book Award, American Educational Research Association, 1990; Critics Choice Award, American Educational Research Association, 1989; Outstanding Book Award, The Gustavus Meyers Center for the Study of Human Rights in the US, 1989; College of Education Senior Scholar, 1990-1991; Vice-President & Chairperson of the Program Committee of the History of Education Society, 1991; President, History of Education Society, 1992.

Henry Magnuski Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory; chair-elect, Electronics Peer Committee of the National Academy of Engineering; College of Engineering Executive Committee; Graduate College Executive Committee; Campus Research Board; Campus Research Initiative Board; employed in the Federal Systems Division of IBM from 1964 to 1994; a systems consultant to the ioptics Corporation in the area of signal processing and two-dimensional modulation theory; expert witness in patent infringement cases in the areas of CD-Audio, CD-ROM, and cellular telephony.

Elected to the National Academy of Engineering,1990; Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1991; IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal; the Tau Beta Pi Daniel C. Drucker Eminent Faculty Award; IEEE Millennium Medal; named a Fellow of the IBM Corporation in 1980.

Professor and Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Consulting Experience: Insurance Company Liability for Superfund Cleanup Costs; Monsanto Company, 1992-1996; Helen Kramer Superfund Site, New Jersey; U.S. Army Corps of Engrs. and U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994-1999; Landfills at Oak Ridge National Lab., TN; Jacobs Engineering & U.S. DOE, 1996-1997; Fernald Cleanup, Cincinnati, OH; Flour Daniel Fernald, 1997; Landfill Superfund Remediation Design Manual, Morasco-Newton and U.S. EPA, 1998-2000.

J. James Croes Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1984 & 2000; Listed in Who's Who in Engineering, International Who's Who in Engineering, Who's Who in American Education, and Who's Who in Science and Engineering; William J. Murray Fellowship in Engineering, 1985 - 1992; Faculty Excellence Award, College of Engineering, 1989;Standards Development Award, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1991;L.B. (Preach) Meaders Professorship in Engineering, Univ. of Texas, 1992 - 1996;Special Service Award, American Society for Testing and Materials,1994;Middlebrooks Award, American Society of Civil Engineers,1995;Richard R. Torrens Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1995; Elected to National Academy of Engineering, 2000;Gutsgell Professorship, University of Illinois, 2000

Professor, Educational Psychology; Chancellor's S3 Committee, 1999-2000; CRI Selection Committee, 1999-2000;CTE Evaluation, 1999-2000; Program Quality Review Committee, 1999;Outcome Assessment Committee, Chair, 1997-2000; Provost Search Committee, 1998;Task Force on Graduate Employees, 1997;Task Force on the Future of the Library, 1997-1998; Senate Committee on Budget, 1996-1997; Research Policy Committee, 1996-1999;Task Force on Student Assessment and Program Improvement, Chair, 1996-1997;Committee on Research and Evaluation of Asynchronous Learning, 1995;Task Force on Program Evaluation, 1994-996; President's Retreat, 1993, 1997, 1998, 1999;General Education Requirement Task Force, Math Subcmte., 1992-1995; Senate, 1993-1997; Equal Opportunity Committee, 1992-1995

University Scholar, UIUC, 1995-1996;College Scholar, College of Education, UIUC, 1994-1995;Vice Chancellor's Teaching Scholar Award, UIUC, 1991;Fellow, Center for Advanced Study, UIUC, 1990.

Professor of Food Science & Human Nutrition; Professor of Nutritional Sciences; Professor of Nutrition in Internal Medicine; Assistant Dean, Research, College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences (ACES), 1998 -1999; Interim Associate Dean, Research, College of ACES, 1997 -1998; Director, Division of Nutritional Sciences,1991 - 1999; Assistant Director, Office of Research, ACES, 1991 - 1997; National Academy of Science Committees: Committee on Nutrition Components of Food Labeling, 1989 - 1990; Committee on State Food Labeling, Institute of Medicine,1991 -1992; Vice-chair, Committee on Opportunities in Nutrition & Food Science, Institute of Medicine,1991-1993; Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine;1990 - 1999; Vice-chair, Food and Nutrition Board,1993-1999; Vice-chair, Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Institute of Medicine,1996 - 2001; Executive Director, Mars Nutrition Research Council, Inc..

List of Teachers Ranked Excellent or Outstanding (eight times); Paul Funk Award,1986; Borden Award, American Institute of Nutrition, 1994; Senior University Scholar, 1996; Chairman's Achievement Award, Chicago Section of IFT; Elected Fellow of Institute of Food Technologists.

Professor of Psychology, of Cell and Structural Biology; of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, UIUC; Associate Director for Biology, Behavior, and Cognition, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, 1987-1991; Center for Advanced Study Professor; Swanlund Professor of Psychology, 1998; Member of Selection Committee for the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities Distinguished Professor Award, Springfield, 1991-92; Selection Committee, Troland Research Award, National Academy of Sciences, 1994-1996;Chair, Planning Committee for Biology, Behavior, and Cognition, Beckman Institute (Co-author of original proposal and major involvement in design of $50M research institute) 1982-87;Member, Provost Search Committee, University of Illinois, 1998; Member, College of Medicine Region Dean Search Committee, 1998; Director, Center for Advanced Study.

Fellow, Center for Advanced Study, 1975-76; Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science, 1985; University Scholar, 1985-88; NIMH MERIT Award, 1989; Fellow, American Psychological Society, 1990; Elected, National Academy of Sciences, 1992; Fellow, American Psychological Association, 1993; American Psychological Society William James Fellow, 1996; Oakley-Kunde Award for Undergraduate Instruction, 1997.

Professor, Department of English, also affiliated with the Religious Studies Program and with the Drobny Interdisciplinary Program for the Study of Jewish Culture and Society; Reviewer for the National Endowment for the Humanities; served twice on the British Literature evaluation panel; University Senate (frequently, from 1977 through late 1990's);University Student Discipline Committee (1977-84; chair 1978-80, 1981-83);Unit One Advisory Committee (1986-88);Senate General University Policy Committee (1988-89);Senate Educational Policy Committee (1989-93; chair 1991-93); Senate Council (1991-93);Senate Council ad hoc committee to review Vice Chancellor Berdahl (Spring1991);University Planning Council (1991-93);Council on Program Evaluation (COPE) (1990-93);Ad hoc committee for evaluating COPE procedures (1993-94);VCAA Berdahl's Task force on Multidimensional Excellence (1992-93);Provost's Council on the Enhancement of Undergraduate Education (1999-2000);Faculty Advisory Committee for the Drobny Interdisciplinary Program for the Study of Jewish Culture and Society (1999--)

Currently listed in The Directory of American Scholars, Who's Who Among America's Teachers, Who's Who Among American Women, Who's Who in America; Harriet and Charles Luckman Undergraduate Distinguished Teaching Award, 1995; William F. Prokasy Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 1995; Center for Advanced Study, 1972.

Professor of Journalism; 1986-1996: Staff Writer, The Washington Post Magazine; Department of Journalism Graduate Admissions Committee; Judge, 1998, National City Magazine Awards, feature article writing; Search Committee Journalism Department Head, 1997; Administrator, 1996 to present, of UIUC Boruck-Brody Award for Creative Feature Writing; Board member, 1997 to present, The Daily Illini Media Co.

Dateline Award for Local Journalism Excellence, D.C. Society of Professional Journalists, 1996 ; National Association of Black Journalists, feature writing, 1996; nominated by The Washington Post Magazine for Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, 1996; Incomplete List of Excellent Teachers; Nominated for National Magazine Award by the editors of This Old House magazine, 1997, 1998, 1999; Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association Award, feature writing, 1997; Blue Sky Award, The Washington Post, for inspired teaching of journalism, 1996.

Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Landscape Architecture; 1984-97 Professor and Head, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Professor of Landscape Architecture and (until 1996) in the Institute for Environmental Studies; Chair, Search Committee for Head of Department of Landscape Architecture, 1985 and 2000;Technology Center Advisory Committee to Vice Chancellor for Research, 1985-1986; Committee to Evaluate Dean of College of Fine and Applied Arts, 1986-1987; Chair, Committee to Evaluate Director of Institute for Environmental Studies, 1990; Chair, Budget Strategies Committee, 1992-1994, Task Force on the Environment Steering Committee, 1993-1995;Chancellor's Strategic Planning Steering Committee, 1993-1995;Public Affairs Intercampus Task Force, 1995-97; Pew Higher Education Roundtable, 1995

Fellow, CIC Academic Leadership Program, 1989-90; Fulbright Senior Scholar, Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal; Faculty Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Professor of Economics; McKinley Professor of Economics; Professor of Statistics; Visiting Fellow, Oxford University, 1993;Visiting Fellow, Charles University, Prague, 1989, 1993;Visiting Fellow, New University of Lisbon, Portugal, 1989;Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1989; Visiting Professor of Economics, CERGE, Charles University, Prague, Spring, 1994; National Science Foundation.grants 1984-2003; Economics Panel, National Science Foundation, 1988, 1990; Program Chair, Business and Economic Statistics, American Statistical Association Meetings

Fellow, Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois, 1993; Fellow of Econometric Society, 1998; Economics Graduate Student Organization Outstanding Teaching Award 1995, 1996, 1997;

William G. Karnes Professor of Finance; Program committee of the Amsterdam Institute of Finance, 1991-present; expert testimony: before the Federal Communications Commission for ITT World Communication, Inc., 1982;forthe Israeli Internal Revenue Service, 1984-85; before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the State of Alaska, 1986-87; Chairman, Session on Corporate Restructuring, European Finance Association meetings, Istanbul, 1988;Chairman, Session on Anomalies, European Finance Association meetings, Stockholm, 1989Chairman, Session on Stock Price Reactions to Announcements, Western Finance Association meetings, Whistler, Canada, 1993;Chairman, Session on Performance and Behavior of Money Managers, American Finance Association, New Orleans, 1997Program coordinator of the Portfolio Management Course, Amsterdam Institute of Finance, Amsterdam, 1990-present

Graham and Dodd Scroll Award for the article "Risk and Return on Equity: The Use and Misuse of Historical Estimates" (with W. Carleton), 1985; Nikko-LOR Research Competition Award,1989; American Association of Individual Investors Award , 1991;The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, Roger F. Murray Award , 1994; Smith Breeden Prize for Distinguished Paper, 1995; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Research Associate; Honorary Director at the Center for Investment Research, 1994-present

Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Department of Psychology; Dept. of Kinesiology, Associate Head for Academic Affairs,1994-2000; Graduate College Executive Committee,1999-2000; Research Policy Committee,1999-2000; Search Committee for Dean of Applied Life Studies.,1997-98; Critical Research Initiatives Board,1995-1997; Senate Admissions Committee, 1995-98);Campus Institutional Review Board, 1990-92, Chair 1992-94;College Executive Committee, 1994-1996; 1998-2000;Committee to Evaluate the Dean, 1993-94;College Educational Policy Committee, 1993-95;College McCrystal Award Committee 1995-99;College of Medicine, Medical Scholars Program Admissions Committee; College Tenure and Promotion Committee,1997-2000;Office of Gerontology and Aging Advisory Committee, 1995-1998; Department Institutional Review Board; Department Tenure and Promotion Committee (1990-92, 1996-).

Named as first Senior Scholar by North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, 1999; Elected Member of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education, 1998; Appointed to Scientific and Program Committee, Fourth International Congress on Physical Activity, Aging, and Sports, 1996; Appointed Affiliate of the Beckman Institute, Human Performance and Perception Group,1995; King J. McCrystal Distinguished Scholar Award,1994, Beckman Research Award, 1994.

Professor of Library Administration; August 1996-Coordinator, Social Sciences Division; March 1994-Head, Education and Social Science Library; Acting Head of the Education and Social Science Library, 1983-1987, 1990-1991, and 1992-1994;Education Subject Specialist, 1981; Acting Library and Information Science Librarian, 1989; Chancellor's Partnership Illinois Council, Library Representative; Faculty Advisory Committee, Member; Senate Committee on Committees, Chair, 1996-1999,1995-1999, member; Senate Committee on Student Discipline,1985-1987; Subcommittee on Undergraduate Student Conduct, Chair; Senate Committee on Student Discipline, Chair, 1995-1997; Senate Committee on Student Discipline, 1993-1995; UIUC Senate Council Member,1989-1991,1991-1993,1995-1999. UIUC Senate Committee on University Student Life, Chair, 1991-1993; Search Committee for Associate Director, Development Office, Member; Search Committee for Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Librarian, Chair.

Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award; Education and Behavioral Sciences Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association; American Library Association Whitney-Carnegie Award, 1990-1991.

Professor, Animal Sciences; Beef Cattle Specialist for the University of Illinois Extension; leadership responsibilities with the American Society of Animal Science (Midwest Section), National Cattlemen's Beef Association (Science and Technology Committee), Illinois Beef Association (Board of Governors); College of ACES Extension Policy Committee & chair;Council on Teacher Education and Partnership for Illinois-Local State Government Committee; Outreach activities linking the university with clientele out in the state of Illinois: "Beef 2000" program was recognized by Governor Ryan as the outstanding outreach program funded by C-FAR in 1999-2000 and the 1999 "New Legislator" training program in cooperation with the Illinois Program on Governmental Affairs; served on search committee for Asst. Dean ACES -Program Development; over$900,000 in research grants, over $50,000 in outside support for Extension programs and over $3.5 million in gifts of cattle to be used in research.

C-FAR (Council for Agriculture Research) Achievement Award for Outstanding and Innovative Research and Outreach, 2000 ;Purina Mills Outstanding Teacher Award - American Society of Animal Sciences, 1997; G.R. Carlisle Award for Excellence in Extension Teaching - Dept. of Animal Sciences, 1997; Harriett and Charles Luckman Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award, 1994; John Clyde and Henrietta Downey Spitler Teaching Award, 1993;Young Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1992; Outstanding Extension Specialist - American Society of Animal Sciences, Midwest Section, 1990.

Professor and Severns Chair for Human Behavior, active working with student programs on leadership and teamwork; efforts with the Student Leadership Development Committee led to a unique statement of Leadership Philosophy for UIUC and the creation of new Leadership Programs such as Insight Illinois; piloted a new course called Engineering Emotional Intelligence; created the Technology Entrepreneur Center, which focuses on getting students the education and experiences they need to start businesses and on providing advice and support to new companies from a network of alumni and friends.

Susan J. Wells is a Professor in the School of Social Work. She has been at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in this capacity since August 1996. Dr. Wells graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1968. She has a Master's degree in social work from SUNY Albany, a post-Master's teaching certificate in social work education from Tulane, a Ph.D. in social work from the University of Southern California and a post-doctoral fellowship in psychiatric epidemiology from The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health. Her major work has been as a researcher in the field of child welfare, first with the American Bar Association (ABA) Center on Children and the Law in Washington, DC and then at the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) at Research Triangle Park in North Carolina. At the ABA she developed and headed the Center's Research Group. At RTI she was a Program Director for Child Welfare Studies and chaired the Personnel Committee for a 100- member unit. She has also taught at State University of New York at Albany, University of Southern California, Catholic University, and Virginia Commonwealth University either as a lecturer or adjunct faculty since 1978. Dr. Wells served as Director of the Children and Family Research Center at the School of Social Work and a member of the school's Executive Committee, an elected position, from 1996-99. She was Chair or co-Chair of the Executive Committee in the academic years 1997-98 and 1998-99. Currently, she is Chair of the school's Child Welfare Specialization, PI of a state-wide project to evaluate a federal social services initiative in Illinois and is teaching research in social work practice. She also serves as a national consultant on various child welfare issues. She was most recently one of a few researchers asked to consult with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the design of the periodic national incidence study on child abuse and neglect.

Professor of Political Science; Director, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies; Head, Department of Political Science,1987-1992; Director, Graduate Studies, Political Science, 1981-1985; Project Director "East Asia's New World Order",The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1993;Chair, US-China African Studies Exchange Committee (Funded by Ford Foundation) 1985-1997; Director, The Illinois-Tamkang Program,(Funded by Tamkang University and the University of Illinois),1998-1995;Chair, Midwest Regional China Seminar, 1970-1977;Editorial Board, Asian Survey, 1979-1997.


Wade Ackerman is a senior majoring in Biology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He is a James Scholar and has received several department scholarships and honors including the Rogers Merit Scholarship his freshman and sophomore years and the Decker Scholarship his senior year. This summer, he was very honored to receive the John Riley Knox Scholarship, one of the top scholarships that his national fraternity awards. He expects to graduate Summa Cum Laude with a cumulative GPA of 3.93. Wade plans on attending law school after he graduates.

Wade has participated in a wide range of extracurricular activities. He is currently President of the Student Senate organization and is a member of Senate Council. He is also currently Vice-President of Service of the Interfraternity Council. Student Ambassadors, Illini Pride, and volunteering at the Champaign County Crisis Line are just a few of the other activities he has participated in during his time on campus. Wade has been Rush, Social, and Philanthropy chairs of his social fraternity during his undergraduate years. He is currently a member of several campus advisory committees and has been one of Illinois Student Government's delegates at two Association of Big Ten Students Conferences. One University experience that he values greatly was being part of the Allen Hall/Unit One living and learning environment his freshman year. This unique environment introduced Wade to the great diversity and opportunity that this campus has to offer.

I am a senior majoring in Honors Biology and Biochemistry. My desire to serve on the Search Committee for Chancellor stems from my want for continued excellence and further improvement at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and my realization that continued excellence and further improvement at UIUC can only be obtained through the leadership of the correct person as Chancellor. To aid me in the selection of the correct person for the job as the next Chancellor of UIUC I will draw on my knowledge of the UIUC campus that I have obtained through extensive interactions with students, faculty, and administration.

As a member of the Search Committee I would see my primary duty as representing the students of the UIUC campus, a duty that I feel my experience representing students and my involvement in a wide variety of student activities makes me especially qualified for. As a freshman, I served as the president of my residence hall floor. As a junior, I served my first of two terms as a UIUC Student Senator and represented students on both the Senate Council and General University Policy Committee. Also during my junior year, I represented students as an executive member of the Student Senate Caucus. This year, my senior year, I will again represent students in the UIUC Senate and Student Senate Caucus and serve on the University Student Life Committee. In addition to this experience, I have become exposed to the concerns of students through an array of other activities, including: working as a General Chemistry Teaching Assistant, serving as Volunteer Chair and President of the Pre-Health Professional Society, and being active in a variety of student clubs (Alternative Spring Break, International Illini, Krannert Center Student Association, College Democrats, and Hunger and Homelessness Week-Volunteer Illini Projects).

Because of my varied experiences on the UIUC campus, understanding of the issues of the UIUC campus, and great desire to play a role in improving UIUCs future, I feel that I can be a valuable asset to the Search Committee for Chancellor. If selected to serve on the Search Committee for Chancellor, I will work with great enthusiasm and determination to select the person that can best serve the students, faculty, administration, and future of UIUC.

I feel qualified for this position because of my previous experience in similar administrative positions. As an undergraduate at Florida State University, I served for two years on the Dean's advisory board at the School of Music, in which various students met with and discussed issues with the Dean pertaining to the student body. After the Dean's appointment to the position of Provost of FSU, he selected me to serve on the search committee to replace him as Dean. From this work I have learned how the search committee process works, the issues of confidentiality involved in a search, and the role a student can and should play in such an important decision. As a graduate student senator here at UIUC, I am dedicated to the graduate student body, and the University as a whole, and will serve their interests to the best of my ability.


DAVID L. CHICOINE was appointed Dean of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences on April 15, 1996. He served as Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics from August 1988 to January 1995 and has been on the Agricultural Economics faculty since 1979. Chicoine has had a joint appointment in the University's Institute for Government and Public Affairs since 1984. Honors he has received include the College of Agriculture Young Faculty Award for Excellence in Extension in 1987, a USDA Superior Service Award in 1988, the College of Agriculture Paul A. Funk Recognition Award in 1989, the 1995 Illinois Farm Bureau Distinguished Service Award, and the 1998 Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Service to Agriculture Award. Chicoine recently completed a 10-year term as a University of Illinois Faculty Athletic Representative to the Big Ten Conference and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

KATHLEEN F. CONLIN is Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts. She is President of the National Association of Schools of Theatre. She is a board member for the International Council of Fine Arts Deans and has served on the boards of the National Theatre Conference, University/Resident Theatre Association, and the Ohio Arts Council. She has been a member of four university faculties, earning teaching awards and holding an endowed faculty fellowship at the University of Texas at Austin. She previously headed Theatre departments at Ohio University and at the Ohio State University. Dean Conlin earned a Ph.D. in Theatre from the University of Michigan and completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Birmingham, Stratford-upon-Avon, England. She was one of 12 Americans chosen for a theatre delegation to the People's Republic of China. Dean Conlin continues her professional work as a resident director and casting director for the Utah Shakespearean Festival and free-lances with other professional theatres. Her performance work encompasses Shakespearean productions and new work. She is a member of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, a professional union.


TERRY JOBIN is the Director of the Faculty/Staff Assistance Program, which provides assessment, referral and short term counseling to all employees, family and household members and retirees and their immediate family or household members for personal, family, mental health, substance abuse and stress issues. Mr. Joban received an MSW from St. Louis University in 1973 and a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from Marquette University in 1966. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Employee Assistance Professional. He has worked in various inpatient and outpatient mental health settings since 1973 in Springfield, Illinois as a family therapist and supervisor. He developed and directed the Employee Assistance Program at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield, and came to the University of Illinois in July of 1995 to direct the Faculty/Staff Assistance Program.

DEBORAH LEE joined the University in July 1989 as Associate Director, Finance & Administration in NCSA. In January 1992, she became Assistant to the Head, Department of Agronomy. She is now Assistant Head, Administration, in the Department of Crop Sciences. Ms. Lee has a B.S.B in Accounting (University of Minnesota, June 1983) and MBA (University of Illinois, May 1995). She has been a CPA since February 1984 and has experience in public accounting as well as industry. Ms. Lee is serving a 5 year term on the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) which she chaired for two years. She is presently serving her second term as chair of the University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee (UPPAC) which is advisory to the President. Professional associations include the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Illinois CPA Society (ICPAS).


BERNARD HETTINGER. I have been an employee at the Urbana campus for 23 years as an electrician at O & M. I have been a member of the Employees Advisory Committee for the past 6 years. I served 2 terms on the Illinois Union Social Committee.

Administrative Secretary, Office of the Senate and Faculty Advisory Committee Office. I have been employed by the University of Illinois since 1982. I've worked for the Urbana-Champaign Senate for 17 years, serving as secretary to the Senate Council, as well as numerous other standing and ad hoc senate committees. For the past 12 years, I have provided staff support to the campus Faculty Advisory Committee. I also served as a member of the most recent Search Committee for Clerk of the Senate (1994). My position has provided a unique opportunity to become familiar with matters concerning University governance, campus administration, educational policy, and faculty and student affairs.