Urbana-Champaign Senate
March 29, 2010; 3:10 p.m.
Levis Faculty Center
I. Approval of February 22 Senate Minutes
II. Senate Executive Committee Report—Joyce Tolliver, Chair
III. Chancellor’s Remarks
IV. Questions/Discussion
V. Consent Agenda
EP.10.19 |
Proposal from ENGR to Revise the B.S. in Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
Educational Policy |
EP.10.32 |
Educational Policy |
EP.10.33 |
Proposal from Engineering to Revise the Undergraduate Curriculum in Bioengineering |
Educational Policy |
EP.10.36 |
Educational Policy |
VI. Proposals for Action
SC.10.10 |
Proposal for a Licensing Advisory Committee |
Senate Executive Committee |
CC.10.10 |
Nominations to the Licensing Advisory Committee |
Committee on Committees |
SL.10.01 |
Resolution on the Participation of UI Students, Faculty, and Staff in the 2010 U.S. Census |
University Student Life |
EP.10.43 |
Educational Policy |
VII. Proposed Revisions to the University Statutes (Final, Action)
SP.06.05 |
University Statutes and Senate Procedures |
VIII. Reports for Information
March 18-19 |
A. Aminmansour |
March 10 |
A. Aminmansour |
January 28 |
K Andersen, H. F. Williamson |
IX. New Business
X. Adjournment
Please step to the microphone and identify yourself when you address the Senate.