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March 29, 2010



Prefiled Resolution
(Final; Action)

SL.10.01          Resolution on the Participation of University of Illinois Students, Faculty, and Staff in the 2010 Census of the United States of America


Every 10 years the Federal Government performs a count of everyone residing in the United States.  All U.S. residents should be counted, both citizens and noncitizens.  Census Day is April 1, 2010.  Therefore, questionnaire responses should represent each and every household as it exists on this day.  The census will determine state and municipal population counts, and thus determine how more than $400B of Federal money as well as State and local tax dollars are distributed to our community.


Whereas,          The U.S. Census, held every 10 years, is a count of every resident, citizen and noncitizen, who resides in America on April 1, 2010; and

Whereas,          The Census count of each person should correspond to where they physically reside on April 1, 2010; and

Whereas,          The Census information that will be obtained is confidential; and

Whereas,          The result of the Census will determine the distribution of more than $400B of Federal aid, as well as the distribution of State and Municipal tax dollars; and

Whereas,          The Census data will benefit critical issues of University of Illinois undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff, such as the distribution of Federal/State highway funding, bike path funding, primary and secondary education funding, college tuition grant and loan programs, public transportation, and apartment occupancy rates.

Be it resolved by the UIUC Senate that

                        For the welfare of the student population and the Urbana-Champaign general public, the UI Senate urges every undergraduate and graduate student, as well as faculty and staff, both domestic and international, to complete the U.S. Census questionnaire at the locale they reside on April 1, 2010.


Be it further resolved by the UIUC Senate that

                        Course Faculty and instructors are encouraged to communicate to their students that the Census is confidential, that their residence should be where they physically reside on April 1, that both citizens and noncitizens should respond to the Census questionnaire for the benefit of students, faculty, and staff at this campus.  More information can be found at .

Senate Committee on
  University Student Life
Kent Choquette, Chair
Jessica Alkass
Yousif Al-Rawi
Erin Ciciora
Leslie Cornell
Morgan Hartman
Megan Haselschwerdt
Emily Love
Amy L. MacNeill
Edelyn Verona
Kenneth T. Ballom, Ex officio
Domonic Cobb, Ex officio
Rae-Anne Montague, Ex officio
Renee Romano, Ex officio
Bradley Tran, Ex officio