University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

Academic Calendars CommitteesFaculty Policy Guide Honorary Degree Awards SEC Meeting Schedule Senate Agendas & Minutes Senate Meeting Schedule Senate Meeting Videos Senate Members Senator Guide


Urbana-Champaign Senate
December 3, 2007; 3:10 p.m.
Levis Faculty Center

I.       Approval of November 5, 2007, Senate Minutes

II.      Senate Executive Committee Report—Nicholas Burbules, Chair

III.       Chancellor’s Remarks

IV.       Questions/Discussion

V.       Consent Agenda
                   These proposals will be approved by unanimous consent unless a senator requests that one or more should be moved to Proposals for Action.  If senators have questions about a proposal, they are strongly encouraged to contact the Chair of the relevant Committee in advance of the meeting.

Merger of the Division of English as an International Language and the Department of Linguistics into a newly configured Department of Linguistics

Educational Policy
(A. Aminmansour, Chair)


Renaming of the Library Research Center

Educational Policy


Minor in American Indian Studies

Educational Policy


Creation of an Undergraduate Minor in Sub Saharan African Languages (SSAL)

Educational Policy


Creation of an Undergraduate Major in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum in African American Studies, LAS

Educational Policy


Rename the College of Communications to the College of Media Arts and Sciences

Educational Policy


VI.       Proposals for Action

Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate

Committee on Committees
(K. Graber, Chair)


Resolution Concerning Homecoming Displays

Equal Opportunity and Inclusion
(A. B. Fields, Chair)


Resolution III Regarding AIG Sun America: Safeguarding the Interests of Employees and Retirees of State of Illinois/University of Illinois

Faculty Benefits
(B. G. Jones, Chair)


VII.   Reports for Information of the Senate


September 25
October 24

N. P. O’Brien


VIII.       New Business

IX.       Adjournment