University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

Academic Calendars CommitteesFaculty Policy Guide Honorary Degree Awards SEC Meeting Schedule Senate Agendas & Minutes Senate Meeting Schedule Senate Meeting Videos Senate Members Senator Guide


Urbana-Champaign Senate
March 20, 2000, 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium

I. Approval of
February 14 and February 21 , 2000, Senate Minutes

II. Senate Council Report - Robert Rich, Chair

III. Chancellor's Remarks

IV. Questions/Discussion

V. Consent Agenda
Revision of the Options in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Educational Policy (R. M. Leuthold, Chair) EP.00.17

Revision of the Fourth Year Curriculum for the Degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Educational Policy EP.00.20

VI. Proposals for Action
Nominations for Membership on the Athletic Board

Committee on Committees (T. F. Conry, Chair) CC.00.08

2002-2003 Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar (S. E. Martin, Chair) AC.00.02

2003-2004 Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar AC.00.03

VII. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes (Second Reading; Action)
Amendments to the Statutes, Article IX: Proposed New Sections 11, 12, 13, and 14
(Re: Definition of Cause; Progressive Response; Sanctions; Dismissal for Cause)

University Statutes and Senate Procedures (R. M. Fossum, Chair) SP.97.06
Multi-Year Contracts for Full-Time Non-Tenured Academic Staff

University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.00.06

VIII. Reports for Information of the Senate
Distribution of Seats on the General Education Board

Educational Policy EP.00.05

IX. Reports of the Proceedings of Other Meetings
BOT, March 1-2 , R. Leuthold, SC.00.12
FAC/IBHE, January 28 , T. Weech, HE.00.05
USC, February 17 , G. Belford, UC.00.05

X. Committee of the Whole Discussion
The Senate Council Chair will move that the Senate convene as a Committee of the Whole to consider the report below; it is presented for information and discussion.

Interim Report of the Fifth Senate Review Commission (SRC)

Senator James Ward, chair of the SRC, whose report is enclosed, will provide introductory remarks of about 5 minutes. Thereafter, comments and questions will be limited to 2 minutes each, with a 30 minute time limit for the entire discussion.

XI. New Business
Matters not included on the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without the concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting.

XII. Adjournment