February 14, 2000
A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10 p.m., in Foellinger Auditorium, with Chancellor Michael Aiken presiding.
02/14/00-01 The Minutes of the December 6, 1999, meeting were approved as written.
Senator Robert Rich (LAW), Chair of Senate Council, announced that floor privileges have been requested for the following individuals, and he moved (without objection) that such privileges be granted, to speak to:
- SP.97.06, Amendments to the Statutes, Article IX - Tina Gunsalus, Associate Provost; Debbie Lee, PAC Chair; Vera Mainz, PAC Liaison to USSP; and Jenny Barrett, Senior Research Programmer in Psychology,
- EP.00.08, EP.00.09, and EP.00.10, Revisions to Life Sciences Curricula in LAS - Professor Fred Delcomyn, Associate Director for Integrative Biology, and Professor Charles Miller, Associate Director for Molecular and Cellular Biology,
- EP.00.13, Environmental Fellows Program - Professors John Braden, Ed Herricks, Jim Kirkpatrick, and Bruce Williams,
- EP.00.04 and EP.00.06, proposals related to General Education Requirements, Professor Achsah Guibbory, Chair of the General Education Board,
- SP.00.09, Revisions to the University Statutes - Terms of Faculty Employment (USC ST-30), UIC Professor Elliot Kaufman, USC Chair, and UIS Professor Frank Kopecky, USC Secretary.
Rich reminded senators to pick up copies of the four (4) items available at the door - CC.00.08, Senate Approval of Nominations for the Athletic Board, SP.00.09, Revisions to the University Statutes - Terms of Faculty Employment (USC ST-30), and two letters related to the Revisions to Life Sciences Curricula in LAS - one re EP.00.08, and the other re EP.00.08, EP.00.09, and EP.00.10.
Rich's motion that item SP.00.09 be moved from VIII. Reports for Information to VI. Proposals for Action was approved without objection.
Rich gave the following report on Senate Council:
S3 and ERP. The S3 Campus Advisory Committee recommended to the Chancellor that he endorse the "Consensus Document" which was developed by Interim Vice President Gardner with input from the three campuses. Chancellor Aiken sent a recommendation forward which included his strong endorsement for the language developed by the UIUC Committee with respect to Strategy 4. The Consensus Document is available on the Web. Chet Gardner and others in Central Administration are in the process of providing estimates of what it would cost to implement the S3 report. Once the cost estimates are available, the campuses will be asked to prioritize the recommendations in the consensus document, given the funds which will be available for implementation. It is expected that the Campus Advisory Committee will begin to work on the prioritization process in mid to late February.
Senate Review Commission. The Senate Review Commission is continuing its work and it expects to submit a draft report for discussion by Senate Council at its February meeting. As you may know, the SRC surveyed the faculty on issues related to its "charge". It also met with Chancellor Aiken earlier this semester.
Faculty Review Implementation. The Faculty Review Implementation Committee is considering a draft of a new Provost's Communication on the subject of Faculty Review, based on the policy passed by the UIUC Senate last May. I expect that a draft of this "Communication" will be available for Council discussion at our February meeting and that it will be brought to the full Senate in March.
Parental Notification Policy. There now appears to be an emerging consensus on what the campus Parental Notification Policy should be. The Student Senate Caucus, the relevant Senate committees, and campus administrators seem to have reached an agreement. The next steps should be the drafting of changes in the Code by the Conference on Conduct Governance, to be followed by a discussion in Senate Council and discussion/vote in the Senate on the proposed changes in the Code. The Chancellor will then need to approve the Code changes before they become official. Senate Council should see the proposed changes in the Code at our March or April meeting, after which we should be able to take this to the Senate.
UIUC Senate Resolution on Senates Conference. Our resolution has been received by Senates Conference and it will be discussed fully at its next meeting.
Status of Women. GUP and the Equal Opportunity Committee are, at the request of Senate Council, focusing on the report completed by the Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women (CCSW). They will be making recommendations in the near future. At the same time, the Board of Trustees has formed a Trustees Committee to examine the issue on all three campuses. Hearings on the issues covered by the report will be held on all three campuses.
Senate Elections. Elections for the Senate were held last week. I have been in communication with all the Deans asking them to encourage some of the leading faculty in each of the Colleges to participate in the Senate.
Sanctions Other Than Dismissal. University Senates Conference has asked all three campuses for recommendations on what the policy on Sanctions Other Than Dismissal should be. We need to have our recommendations back to Senates Conference by the end of February (see SP.00.09 on today's agenda).
Rich announced that the following senators have agreed to serve as tellers: Steve Seitz (LAS), Gordon Baker (VMED), Peter Loeb (LAS), and Stephen Portnoy (LAS).
The Chancellor welcomed University Librarian Paula Kaufman, who delivered the following prepared remarks:
I am honored to be here at UIUC and to have an opportunity to speak with you today. I've been here now for just over five months, and I certainly feel at home. You've been wonderful in making me very welcome.
The poet Roger L. Conover described well the very special nature of research libraries in his work Excursis Poesis. "To be a library is to convey acquired information from generation to generation which, according to the laws of biology, only living things are supposed to be able to do. To be a library, then is a miracle."
That the University of Illinois has a great, even miraculous, library there can be no doubt. But, in these days of uncertainty and technological chaos its future may seem uncertain. I took my new position here to make sure that the miracle lasts and that the Library's greatest days are still ahead of us and not merely a relic of the past. To make that happen, we need to balance the many aspects of what it takes to operate a great research library at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Clearly, a great collection is essential. So, too, are great people - the Library faculty and staff who understand how to develop, maintain, and provide access to the collection and who can teach our students how to become effective life-long users of library and other information resources. Recruiting and retaining Library faculty and staff of the high caliber we have and demand here will continue to be an extremely high priority.
It is also clear that the Library cannot remain great by itself. Because the Library's purpose is to meet your fundamental needs, your participation is indispensable in determining what books, journals, electronic resources, and other materials you need now as well as what we will need most in the future to support the work of your successors.
To see that the Library's greatest days are the days ahead the Library has taken several initiatives over the last semester - and will soon undertake more -- that will continue over the next several years.
We continue to spend considerable time identifying, purchasing and licensing high quality scholarly books, journals, and other materials - in print and non-print formats - to add to our collections. This will always be at the very core of our activities.
Owning and making scholarly materials available are not by themselves sufficient to make a great library. Students and faculty have to be able to find, evaluate, and use those materials. So, we are also strengthening our focus on the services we deliver and on developing new ones you tell us you want and need. Thanks to support from the UI System, we will be hiring a senior person who will focus on improving the services we offer - and I must note that we already offer a lot.
Buying new materials and providing access to new electronic resources are not enough to keep a great collection. Research library collections such as ours constitute a major part of society's collective memory. If we don't preserve those documentary resources, the accumulated knowledge of society cannot be transmitted to future generations. We desperately need to preserve the most important volumes printed from 1850 to the present on highly acidic paper - paper that is now literally crumbling into dust on our shelves. Our strategic vision integrates the need for maintaining print resources with the opportunities offered by digital technologies. We need to realize this economically so we don't sacrifice the future to protect the past.
To provide proper stewardship of our collections, the Library is beginning a modest new program to preserve some of our most endangered and treasured materials. We are beginning a search for a seasoned professional to head the program and a new grant from the Mellon Foundation will help the program get started.
I know that you have not always heard enough from us, so I plan to greatly improve communications between the Library and the Campus. I've already met twice with my new University Librarian's Student Advisory Council - whose undergraduate and graduate student members have been appointed by each college. I've also met with every dean and with several department library advisory committees. I hope that your departments will also invite me to meet with you for frank discussions about the quality of our collections and services. In addition, I plan to send you regular - but not overly-frequent - written communications about important library issues and about major new collection resources and services. A joint Library/Senate Committee on the Library group also is planning a series of discussions on campus, many discipline-based, about such important information issues as copyright and publishing.
Another high priority is to strengthen the Library's role in state and regional consortia with the goal of increasing our buying power for scholarly resources and improving such consortially-delivered services as the online catalog. I am pushing hard for a modern, useful, and up-to-date replacement for our current system. It won't come fast enough for any of us, but it will come.
We also have underway a series of planning initiatives designed to address and redress a number of long-standing problems, including the speed with which we catalog newly-received materials for the collection, the conversion of information now found only in our card catalogs into our online database, and space in which to properly shelve the books you now find - or often don't find - crammed on shelves, piled on tables, or packed in boxes. A book not found may be an idea lost forever, and that's simply not acceptable.
We are really very grateful for our relatively new facilities in Grainger and are looking forward to the new ACES Library - thanks to the generosity of ACES alums and the State. But most of our libraries reflect the era in which they were built; our parents and grandparents would have been comfortable working in them, but I can't say the same for you or me or our children and grandchildren. I'll be working hard over the next few years to find ways to reconfigure and update them.
I can't end this list of activities without saying a few more words about our Library faculty and staff. They are wonderfully knowledgeable, experienced, helpful, and committed to doing the best possible job they can. They're really terrific. But there simply are not enough of them to do what you want them to do for you. The Library lost more than twice the average number of faculty lost on this campus in the 1990s and those who remain are confronted with the challenges of simultaneously operating and delivering resources and services that are both paper and technology-based. We'll be investing in training and development programs and looking for other ways to support this group of dedicated people.
An important strategy for our future success is to move away from traditional collection development allocations that are based on historical circumstances plus increments. I am working with the Campus Library Policy Committee, the Senate Committee on the Library, and - I hope - with all of you with regard to resolution LB.00.01 that you will take up later this afternoon. Although of course I hope you will also support the resolution about providing significantly improved funding for the Library, Resolution LB.00.01 is in many ways more important because it deals with collaboration between the Library and the rest of the Campus to optimize the use of whatever resources we have to support scholarship and learning in the present and future, not merely extrapolations of the past.
I am convinced that the miracle of our Library can and will be greater in the future than it has been in the past. I invite you to help us in the exciting journey of realizing that vision and I look forward to meeting and working with each of you.
Thank you very much. (The Senate responded with a round of applause.)
Chancellor Aiken next introduced UIC Professor Elliot Kaufman, Chair of the University Senates Conference, who delivered the following prepared remarks:
It is my privilege, as the 1999-2000 Chair of the University Senates Conference, to present the Annual Report of the Conference covering the 1998-1999 Academic Year. The twenty-member University Senates Conference (USC) currently consists of nine faculty members elected from the UIUC Senate; eight faculty members elected from the UIC Senate; and three faculty members elected from the UIS Senate for three-year, staggered terms. The Conference is a statutory body (Article II, Section 2,) providing the major link between faculties on the three campuses and charged with reviewing "all matters acted upon by each Senate" and with determining "whether senate actions requiring implementation or further consideration" are being referred to appropriate officers. The Conference must decide whether actions taken by one senate have broader all-university relevance and thus also must be considered by other senates. If the Conference decides that the senates have acted differently on a matter, it must "attempt to promote agreement or consistency," and in cases of continuing disagreement among the senates, the Conference may forward its own recommendations on the matter.
In addition, the University Senates Conference acts as an advisory group to the Board of Trustees through the president, to the president, to other administrative officers, and to the senates themselves on matters of university-wide concerns. It is a "special concern of the conference executive committee to aid in maintaining harmonious relations among such officers and the University." The members of the University Senates Conference Executive Committee for 1998-1999 were: Geneva G. Belford, Chair; Luther W. Skelton, Secretary; H. George Friedman, Jr.; Richard M. Johnson; Frank J. Kopecky; and Ann C. Weller.
The Conference held ten regular meetings from September 1998 through July 1999. University of Illinois policies, procedures, and other issues of concern were discussed with President James Stukel and Vice President Sylvia Manning during monthly executive sessions. Guests at the business meetings included Dr. Naomi Lynn, UIS Chancellor; Dr. Elizabeth Hoffman, UIC Provost; Dr. Craig Bazzani, Vice President for Business and Finance; Dr. Keith Sanders, IBHE Executive Director; Dr. Richard Mendola, Associate Vice President AITS; and Mr. Richard King, Executive Assistant Vice President for Strategic Management and Administration.
In addition to the very informative discussions with the president, the vice president, and guests, the Conference was very productive in its efforts to work through a large backlog of proposed statutory changes. Following are proposed changes to the University of Illinois Statutes (Statutes) and to The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure (The General Rules) that were on the Conference's agenda for 1998-1999.
ST-30. Proposed Changes to the Statutes: Terms of Faculty Employment (also known as Sanctions Other Than Dismissal.)
Introduced in 1990-1991; passed by each senate after a series of drafts; language to be reconciled by the USC Statutes Committee.
ST-44. Proposed Changes to the Statutes: to provide consistency in terminology, punctuation, and capitalization.
Introduced by President Stukel in October 1997; passed by each senate; language reconciled by USC on January 15, 1999; transmitted to President Stukel on February 9, 1999. Approved by the Board of Trustees on April 15, 1999.
ST-45. Proposed Changes to the Statutes: Interruptions of the Probationary Period (Tenure Code Rollback).
Introduced by Vice President Manning in April 1997; USC proposed language transmitted to the senates on July 2, 1997; passed by each senate; language reconciled by USC on July 14, 1999; transmitted to Vice President Manning on July 30, 1999.
ST-47. Proposed Changes to the Statutes: Multi-Year Contracts for Full-Time Non-Tenured Faculty.
Introduced by Vice President Manning in February 1998; USC proposed language transmitted to the senates on August 20, 1999.
GR-33. Proposed Amendment to The General Rules, Article III (Intellectual Property)--revisions to the Policy on Intellectual Property.
Introduced by Vice President Manning in July 1996; passed by each senate, transmitted to Vice President Manning on June 4, 1998. Approved by the Board of Trustees on September 3, 1998.
GR-36. Proposed Changes to The General Rules: to provide consistency in terminology, punctuation, and capitalization.
Introduced by President Stukel in October 1997, approved by USC on March 24, 1998; transmitted to President Stukel on March 30, 1998. Approved by the Board of Trustees on October 16, 1998.
The resolution of the University Senates Conference on Domestic Partner Benefits which was transmitted to President Stukel, as reported in the 1997-1998 Annual Report, remains on the agenda. The three senates passed similar resolutions concerning the extension of benefits to same-sex and opposite-sex domestic partners which the Conference combined into one resolution that was transmitted to the President. In January 1999, the Conference transmitted to the President a proposed Domestic Partner Benefit Program which offers non-State-supported benefits to domestic partners of University employees. The President is looking into both issues.
During the current year, the Conference will continue its work on various statutory modifications. The following issues are still being deliberated by the senates: Fitness to Work Policy (OT-89) - passed UIUC Senate 2/24/97, passed UIC Senate 4/23/98; Faculty Review (OT-141) - passed UIC Senate 4/29/99, passed UIUC Senate 5/3/99; and Conflicts of Commitment and Interest in Teaching (OT-154), passed UIUC Senate 5/3/99.
Another item on the Conference's agenda is Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments (OT-161). This issue is to be studied by the Principles Committee (a university-wide committee formed to develop recommendations made in the December 1996 report of the Tenure Seminar) and therefore the Conference awaits a report.
The University Administration Budget and Benefits Study Committee focused on improving the University's benefits package as proposed in the UIUC Senate's resolution to institute a one-to-one matching savings plan in which the University would match contributions up to 8% of salary. The Committee also reviewed the FY00 budget and made suggestions for the FY01 budget. The Committee submitted its annual report to the Conference in early Fall.
The Conference continued to send observers to each Board of Trustees meeting. Conference members represented the faculty with seats on each of the Management Teams: Academic Affairs, Geneva Belford and Richard Johnson; Administration/Business/Human Resources, Gordon Baker and Thomas Conry; and Governmental Relations, Richard Johnson. The Conference also had representatives on a University-wide Mediation Advisory Committee.
The Conference plans to continue to monitor the progress of the S3 (OT-158, Support Services Strategy) consensus process and the ERP (OT-162, Enterprise Resource Planning Initiative) selection process.
The Conference looks forward to another productive year during which we can participate in shared governance with the administration to best meet the needs of the University.
Chancellor Aiken reported that Governor George Ryan recently delivered his budget message and that it now moves to the Illinois House and Senate. He urged letters of support be sent to state legislators, adding that the operations and capital budgets as proposed by the governor are exceedingly generous.
Senator Stephen Kaufman (MED) requested that the affirmation by the
campus administration that Chief Illiniwek is an educational issue of the UIUC
campus be included in the minutes of the Senate. Chancellor Aiken
responded that Associate Chancellor for Public Affairs Bill Murphy has
publicly acknowledged that he misspoke when he originally stated that the
Chief was not an educational issue.
The Chancellor announced that the following items, absent any objections, were automatically approved:
02/14/00-02 EP.00.08*, Revision of the Life Sciences Major, Sciences and Letters Curriculum,
02/14/00-03 EP.00.09*, Proposed Undergraduate Major in Integrative Biology, Sciences and Letters Curriculum,
02/14/00-04 EP.00.14*, Minor in Crop and Soil Management, Dept. of Crop Sciences, ACES,
02/14/00-05 EP.00.15*, Revision of the Minor in German,
02/14/00-06 EP.00.16*, Revision of the Minor in Women's Studies,
02/14/00-07 EP.00.19*, Revision of the Minor in African Studies.
02/14/00-08 The Chancellor presented for action EP.00.10*, Proposed Undergraduate Curriculum in Molecular and Cellular Biology. Senator Alex Scheeline (LAS) referred to the MCB Major, and pointed out that in the General Chemistry requirements CHEM 101 and 102 should also include CHEM 105 and 106. Senator Ray Leuthold (ACES), Educational Policy Chair, accepted the correction on behalf of his committee.
02/14/00-09 By voice vote, EP.00.10 was approved, as amended.
02/14/00-10 Chancellor Aiken presented for action EP.00.04*, Proposed Guidelines for Quantitative Reasoning II Courses. There were no questions or comments.
02/14/00-11 By voice vote, it was approved.
02/14/00-12 The Chancellor presented for action EP.00.06*, Implementation of Full Nine-hour Requirement for Distribution Areas. Senator Ray Leuthold welcomed any questions.
Senator Richard Schacht (LAS) spoke against this proposal to reduce the required hours for Distribution Areas. Professor Achsah Guibbory, Chair of the General Education Board, replied that this proposal must be considered in the context of the other general education requirements. Senator Wes Seitz (ACES) also expressed his opposition to the reduction in the requirement for Distribution Areas from nine to six hours.
Provost Richard Herman suggested that the vote be tabled; Leuthold made a motion with that sentiment. By voice vote, the motion to table EP.00.06 was approved.
02/14/00-13 Chancellor Aiken presented for action EP.00.13*, Environmental Fellows Program. There were no questions or comments.
02/14/00-14 By voice vote, it was approved.
02/14/00-15 Chancellor Aiken presented for action CC.00.08*, Nominations for Membership on the Athletic Board. Senator Thomas Conry (ENGR), Chair of the Committee on Committees, explained the nomination process and moved approval of the slate of faculty and student nominees.
Senator Thomas Anderson (EDUC) stated that because the faculty nominees were not present to answer questions related to the Chief and other operational issues of athletics, he moved that approval of the faculty nominees be tabled. By show of hands (51-42), the motion to table was approved. (Subsequent to the approval of the motion to table the faculty nominations, it was observed that there was a dearth of female representation on the Athletic Board.)
02/14/00-16 By voice vote, the slate of student nominees was approved.
02/14/00-17 The Chancellor presented for action AC.00.01*, 2001-2002 Academic Calendar. Professor Scott Martin (ACES), Chair of the Calendar Committee, moved approval of AC.00.01.
Senator Stephen Portnoy (LAS) suggested moving back the beginning of classes one week (from August 22 to August 29). Professor H. George Friedman, senate parliamentarian, ruled the motion out of order, since such a motion would require a change in the underlying policy governing the calendar. Chancellor Aiken, as presiding officer, affirmed the ruling. Portnoy moved to appeal the ruling by the presiding officer. The motion did not carry.
Senator Mark Roszkowski (CBA) moved to table the document, asking the calendar committee to revise the policy governing the calendar. Roszkowski's motion failed. It was reported that the 2001-2002 calendar had already been published in the Timetable. (Subsequent to the meeting, it was determined that this "report" was incorrect.)
02/14/00-18 By voice vote, AC.00.01 was approved.
02/14/00-19 Chancellor Aiken presented for action LB.00.02*, Library Budget for FY01. Senator Alex Scheeline (LAS), Chair of the Senate Committee on the Library, moved its approval.
02/14/00-20 By voice vote, LB.00.02 was approved.
02/14/00-21 The Chancellor presented for action LB.00.01*, Resolution on Future Library Budgets. Scheeline, after stressing the importance of the maintenance of our Library, moved its approval. Senator Stephen Kaufman (MED) asked how funding is allocated for the Library. Scheeline replied that standard funding for acquisitions (per campus request) goes straight to the Library, as does special additional funding approved by the IBHE.
02/14/00-22 By voice vote, LB.00.01 was approved, with minor editorial corrections.
02/14/00-23 The Chancellor presented for action SP.00.09*, Revisions to the University Statutes - Terms of Faculty Employment (USC ST-30). Senator Robert Fossum (LAS), Statutes Committee Chair, moved approval of the resolution included in the cover letter distributed at the door.
Speaking to the lines under 2) …"Senates Conference grounds 3 and 4", Senator Heidi Von Gunden (FAA) moved to insert verbatim the language under Section a. (3) and (4) from the University Senates Conference (USC) compromise version of ST-30, i.e., "(3) causing or threatening physical harm to, harassing or intimidating another member of the University community, with the effect of interfering with that person's performance of University duties; or (4) seriously violating University policies on academic integrity or policies on conflicts of commitment and interest." By voice vote, the motion to amend carried.
Senator Peter Loeb (LAS) suggested that the word "deliberately" belongs under (3) above. Senator Joan Klein (LAS) expressed concern about the mandate that USC "be requested to seek the advice and assistance of Professor Matthew Finkin," intimating that the resolution exceeds acceptable parameters.
Senator Alfred Kagan (LIBR) moved to add to the document a proposed definition of "Professional Misconduct" (hard copy submitted to the Presiding Officer). Senator Gordon Baker (VMED) believed the definition was ambiguous. By voice vote, the motion failed.
By voice vote, a motion to close debate was approved.
02/14/00-24 By voice vote, SP.00.09 was approved, as amended.
02/14/00-25 Citing the lateness of the hour, a motion to adjourn was approved. In accord with Standing Rule #1, the senate will reconvene next Monday, February 21, beginning at 3:10 p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.