University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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26 March 2007

University Senates Conference
(Final; Information)

UC.07.05 Report on the University Senates Conference Meeting, 26 January 2007

Members present: Bodenhorn (Chair), Burton, Chambers, Fisher, Grossman, Jones, Kagan, Kaufman, Mallory (Vice Chair), Scheff, Tolliver, Weller, Wood

Members absent: Anderson, Chapman-Novakofski, Ford, Fossum, Schacht, Strom, Wheeler

Guests: Devon Bruce, Larry Mann, Sylvia Manning, Rick Schoell

The USC met in Room 206, Student Center West, UIC. Chair Bodenhorn called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Minutes of the 16 November 2006 meeting were approved as written. Items to be classified from the three campuses and USC were approved. There was no old business (Action Items). Joyce Tolliver was designated as USC Observer for the 13 March 2007 Board of Trustees meeting at UIUC; there was no other new business.

USC discussed items of old business: the recent hiring of the Chief Financial Officer, the current search for a Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the review of the position of Vice President for Technology and Economic Development (VPTED). With the departure of VPTED David Chicoine and with a separate review of the position of VPTED currently underway, the review by USC of the Office of VPTED was abandoned and the item was removed from the USC agenda.

The negative effect of the Chief on some student athletes was discussed.

At about 10:00 a.m., Chancellor Sylvia Manning joined the meeting. She discussed budgetary and tuition issues. Chancellor Manning commented that UIC faculty perform admirably, and that UIC is attaining a popular reputation. She said that UIC was in the top 15 urban public research institutions in a recent national ranking, and is ranked 44 nationally in the amount of research funding received. UIC is number one in underrepresented students at a research institution. She also said that UIC has interesting and exciting ideas about playing a greater role in K-12 education in Chicago.

Chancellor Manning commented on the Global Campus initiative. She believes that the strength of online education at UIC will be through a blend of online and face-to-face education, that online education cannot be separated from the faculty and the campuses, and that provosts need to be involved.

Chancellor Manning left the meeting and USC went into Executive Session to meet with Larry Mann, Executive Assistant Vice President, on behalf of the President. He reported that there is a short list of candidates for the internal search for a Vice President for Academic Affairs, and that the President wants USC to be involved in interviews. Mr. Mann said that the role of the faculty in the Global Campus is becoming more explicit, and that the President wants the faculty to become substantially involved in shaping the initiative.

The meeting recessed for lunch and a discussion with Trustee Devon Bruce, beginning with the Global Campus. He saw the initiative as a real benefit for those trying to get a degree and an education. If money is made from the Global Campus, that is great; he hoped, however, it is not the main purpose of the online initiative.  Trustee Bruce commented that the Chief issue has to focus on student safety and the welfare of student athletes.  Trustee Bruce briefly discussed the budget outlook for the University.

The meeting resumed at 12:50 p.m. Rick Schoell joined the meeting to discuss the dinner the evening before with Senator Maloney, Chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee, and Senator Pritchard, a U of I alumnus and part of President Stukel’s advocate group. Mr. Schoell discussed the state’s budget and other legislative issues.

Following the discussion with Mr. Schoell, USC continued the business meeting.
USC discussed items of old business that were not discussed during the Executive Session, including the need for campuses to develop procedures to implement recent changes in the Statutes regarding “multi-year contracts,” proposed changes in the Statutes to eliminate term limits for USC, interactions with legislators, multi-institutional degrees, and possible guests at future meetings of USC.

There were updates from the campuses, but no reports from management teams.

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Grossman
UIUC Senate representative to USC
Adapted from minutes approved at the USC meeting of February 28, 2007.
Thanks to Connie Sailor, USC Secretary.