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October 30, 2006

University of Illinois
University Senates Conference
Tuesday, 29 August 2006
President’s House, Urbana

Members present: Anderson, Bodenhorn (Chair elect), Burton, Chapman-Novakofski, Finnerty, Fisher, Ford, Fossum, Grossman, B. Jones, W. Jones, Kagan, E. Kaufman (Chair), L. Kaufman, Langley (Secretary), Mallory (Vice Chair elect), Schacht, Scheff, Wheeler, Wood.

Guests: David Chicoine, B. Joseph White.

Chair E. Kaufman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m., with President White welcoming the Conference to the “big house” and giving a brief history of the house. He then commented on the university’s budget request. Some Conference members thought that the budget request should reflect more closely the university’s real needs than its expectation of what it can get. Vice President Chicoine summarized the FY08 budget request that will go to the Board of Trustees at its 7 September meeting. The IBHE then will provide feedback. Discussion continued on the state’s budget, pension benefits, campus and university guidelines for naming rights, and the Global Campus.

The meeting recessed for lunch at 11:45 a.m.  Following lunch, Chair E. Kaufman presented plaques to Joe Finnerty (UIUC) and Lon Kaufman (UIC), whose terms are ending, to recognize their service to the Conference.

The meeting reconvened at 1:05 p.m., with Chair Bodenhorn assuming the gavel. Minutes of the 21 July 2006 meeting were approved as distributed. Discussion of items of Old Business started with the Global Campus. The Conference agreed to send a letter to President White and to Special Assistant to the President Chet Gardner expressing its support of online education and the goals of the Global Campus proposal, but indicating the Conference’s reservations about the proposal. Copies were to be sent to the chancellors and the chairs of campus senates. [That letter was sent over the signature of Chair Bodenhorn on 6 September.] The Conference discussed reorganization of the university administration, including the roles of the new CFO and the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA), and agreed to send to President White its recommendation regarding the position of VPAA. [That letter was sent over the signature of Chair Bodenhorn on 6 September.]  The Conference also discussed and adopted its summary on shared governance, “USC Faculty Perspective on Shared Governance at the University of Illinois,” which will be sent to the Board of Trustees.  Items of New Business included appointments to USC or UA committees.

Following campus updates, the meeting adjourned at 4:00p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Grossman
UIUC Senate’s representative to USC
Adapted from minutes USC approved on 26 September 2006
Thanks to Connie Sailor, USC Secretary.