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February 14, 2005

Report on University Senates Conference Meeting at UIC
November 18, 2004


The meeting was preceded by a dinner the evening before with outgoing President James Stukel to mark the last USC meeting with him. The reception and dinner at the Red Light restaurant was enjoyable and full of reminiscences of those present on interactions with President Stukel over the past decade.

The first item of business of the USC meeting was a discussion with President Stukel in which he responded to topics raised by the USC. He discussed the recent IBHE Big Picture meeting of November 8th, status of the State’s Ethics Legislation, how to improve communications and interactions with the BOT, and reflections on his presidency and interactions with the USC. Without getting into specifics, he is optimistic for the future and feels that the relationship of the USC and the President is important and needs to be continued in a robust manner to provide for ‘Shared Governance’ activities and input.

Board President Lawrence Eppley joined the Conference for lunch and a broad ranging discussion of current activities and issues, providing insight into development of relations with the new president.

The regular business meeting examined continuing business of the 2004-2005 University Administration Budget and Benefits Study Committee and jump-starting this activity as well as the concluding of the Presidential Search activity. Updates and discussion of other ongoing items and committee activities concluded the meeting.

Submitted by Barclay G. Jones