April 26, 2004
University Senates Conference
March 30, 2004
University Senates Conference (USC) met in Chicago at the Chicago Illini Union with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner in the morning. This was followed by a business meeting in the afternoon. Discussions focused on the tuition process, budget and the search for a new president.
The meeting with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner included discussion of the following topics:
- Budget and legislative update. President Stukel and VP Gardner confirmed that a 2% cut is being implemented by the state. Capital projects are likely to continue to be supported at some level. A salary program is planned for all three campuses, however it will have to come from internal reallocations.
- Presidential search process. President Stukel reiterated what he described at the previous meeting as critical leadership qualities needed to fulfill the duties of president: academic credentials, an understanding of shared governance, and the ability to communicate with all constituents. He also indicated that candidates should be provided with information about projects such as S3 and other initiatives.
- Tuition process. VP Gardner provided a document outlining the timeline for the annual tuition planning process. He also requested that each campus provide names of student and faculty members to serve on an advisory committee.
- UI-Integrate/Banner issues. VP Gardner was asked to report on the report function of Banner and the status of student registration. He indicated that the report function was working for standard reports, but that many people were not aware of the resolution of problems that now allows use of standard reports. He also indicated that testing of the student registration went smoothly, but that the actual “go-live” would be the true test.
- Administrative Review process. VP Gardner indicated that most administrative units would be able to attain more than a 20% reduction as mandated. Considerable attention is being given to commodities procurement as an area for saving money by looking for the best deals and discounts.
- International student/faculty status. With increasing requirements for clearances, several higher education institutions are reporting declines in international student enrollments. VP Gardner indicated that UI had actually experienced an increase in enrollments of international students, but there were certainly individual situations that caused difficulty for students attempting to come to or return to the U.S. He anticipates that a decrease in enrollment will be experienced as the security requirements continue to be increased.
The business meeting addressed the following matters:
- Approval of the February 20, 2004 minutes.
- USC Nominating Committee. The following USC members were appointed to serve as the Nominating Committee for the USC Executive Committee next year: Barclay Jones (UIUC), Pat Langley (UIS), and Gerald Strom (UIC).
- OT-193. Interim Information Security Policy. This policy was reviewed by the USC Statutes Committee and will be referred to individual campus senates for action.
- Status of OT-89, Evaluation of Ability to Work. The revised document will be referred to the senates as an information item.
- Discussion of future guests to address University issues of concern.
Dates and locations of future meetings were briefly discussed.
Nancy P. O'Brien
USC Representative to UIUC Senate Executive Committee