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March 17, 2003

University Senates Conference
February 20, 2003

University Senates Conference (USC) met in Chicago at the Chicago Illini Union with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner in the morning, Board of Trustee Chair Lawrence Eppley during lunch, and UIC Provost Michael Tanner in the afternoon. Discussions continued to focus on the state's budget situation. A business meeting of USC followed these sessions.

The meeting with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner included discussion of the following topics:

- Budget situation for FY03 and FY04. President Stukel provided information about declining state support of higher education. USC members recommended that a condensed version of this report be made available to all faculty. That report will be forthcoming. The budget outlook continues to be grim.

- Board of Trustees. The President and USC briefly discussed that three new Trustees had been appointed to the Board as well as election of a new Board Chair at the previous week's Board meeting.

- Tuition Planning report. VP Gardner reviewed the tuition planning document that had been presented to the Board of Trustees. A copy is available at: <>

- UI-Integrate/Banner issues. VP Gardner invited Rich Mendola and Tom Glenn to attend the session on UI-Integrate. Concerns had been expressed about security levels within the system, particularly in regard to posting account information. Rich Mendola presented a FAQ sheet on finance security that addressed these concerns and discussed the many safeguards in place to prevent fraud and unintentional postings. Security will be no less than it is with current systems, and overall it will be much greater.

The meeting with Lawrence Eppley, newly named Chair of the Board of Trustees, was very congenial and open. It included discussion of his impressions of Board procedures as a relatively new member, important issues facing the Board, ways in which the faculty and the Board can work together to achieve the best interests of the University, and the state's economic situation and its impact on the University.

The meeting with new UIC Provost Michael Tanner addressed his vision for UIC, the differences between the UI system and the California system from which he came, and how to continue providing excellent education and research opportunities during difficult budget times.

The business meeting was addressed the following matters:

- Approval of the January 22, 2003 minutes.

- Staffing trends/changes in numbers of faculty and institutional support staff. USC continues to receive information on the trends and changes and will discuss the implications at a future meeting.

- Status of OT-161, Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments. This IBHE initiated project will be discussed at a future meeting since a USC subcommittee drafted a proposal, and the chief author was unable to be present to discuss it.

- Discussion of future guests to address University issues of concern.

- Status of OT-191, Severe Sanctions Less than Dismissal. All three campuses are to draft policies for this process. Urbana's Senate will see a draft at its next meeting, as an informational item.
Dates and locations of future meetings were briefly discussed.

Nancy P. O'Brien
USC Representative to UIUC Senate Executive Committee