December 3, 2001
November 8, 2001
University Senates Conference (USC) met in Chicago at the Chicago Illini Union with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner in the morning and Chancellor Sylvia Manning in the afternoon. As always, the open and frank discussions allowed for an excellent exchange of information and concerns. A business meeting of USC followed these sessions. The meeting with President Stukel and Vice President Gardner included discussion of the following topics: - Principles to be used in searches for major administrative positions (a draft document).
- Budget issues in Illinois that affect the University. This situation continues to look bleak and may result in tuition increases. At this point, only the salary program (3% plus 1/2% matching) appears likely for FY03.
- Academic freedom principles and freedom of speech. These were discussed in light of recent media attention to these matters on campuses.
- Relationship between campus Vice Chancellors for Research and the Vice President for Economic Development and Corporate Relations. The main area of reporting relates to intellectual property issues.
- Distribution of the FY02 salary budget. Vice President Gardner presented statistical data for the three campuses.
- Lake County initiative and distance education programs in Illinois. An Executive Director and Dean have been hired for this program, and a building is being designed.
- Status of 1% enhancement for SURS funding. This was not included in the IBHE budget, but UI will explore whether there are any other options for implementing this benefit. The meeting with Chancellor Manning covered the following topics: - Prospects for UIC being invited to join the Association of American Universities. UIC is enhancing its programs and resources.
- Initiatives at the UIC campus. Chancellor Manning focused on undergraduate education issues, including classroom, extracurricular, and residential resources. The business meeting included the following:
- Approval of the October 19, 2001 minutes.
- Discussion of ST-30, Sanctions Other than Dismissal. This was approved and will be forwarded to the President with an explanatory cover letter.
- Discussion of principles to be used in searches for major administrative positions. Some revisions will be made and then the document will be forwarded to the President.
- Discussion of Senate resolutions on benefits for domestic partners. This resolution will be sent again, requesting action.
- Discussion of future guests to invite to address University issues of concern.
- Reports from USC representatives to the University Management Teams (Academic Affairs; Business Administration and Human Resources; Economic Development and Corporate Relations; and Governmental Relations). It was noted that conducting business in Washington, DC at this time is very difficult due to heightened security. Dates and locations of future meetings were discussed, as were routine items of business.
Nancy P. O'Brien
USC Representative to the Senate Council