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November 1, 1999


University Statutes and Senate Procedures
(Second Reading;Action)

SP.98.03 Proposed Amendment to the Statutes, Article VII, Section 5, to Rename the Cooperative Extension Service to University of Illinois Extension


On June 18, 1997, Dennis R. Campion, Interim Assistant Dean of the Office of Extension and Outreach, sent a letter to Chancellor Aiken requesting to rename the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service to University of Illinois Extension. The request is consistent with the recommendation of the Chancellor's Commission on Extension. According to the letter, the USDA does not require the Cooperative Extension Service (or System) to appear in the name.

In April 1998, Dean David Chicoine submitted a revised proposal from the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) suggesting some further changes to the wording of this section of the Statutes. The Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures (USSP) has included some of those suggestions in the proposal being made to the Senate (below).

Another change proposed in Dean Chicoine's April 1998 letter would have removed the words "agriculture and home economics" from the mandate of UI Extension. The problem USSP has with this suggestion is that the mandate would then be too broad: it would encompass any kind of extension work on any subject at all. Clearly, this is not the desired result. USSP is therefore proposing to replace the dated words "agriculture and home economics" by the words of the new name of the College: "agriculture, consumer and environmental science".

One other change suggested by the College of ACES is not being proposed to the Senate by USSP. This specified a particular assistant dean of ACES to be director of UI Extension. The College of ACES can, of course, designate any suitable officer to be the director of UI Extension (note the lower-case "d" of "director"). However, if a particular assistant dean were named in the Statutes, and the College wished to change that dean's title, another change would be required to the Statutes. USSP believes that this is too detailed a point to put into the Statutes.


The Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures recommends adoption of an amendment to the Statutes, Article VII, Section 5, renaming the Cooperative Extension Service to University of Illinois Extension.

In the amendments below, text to be deleted is indicated in [square brackets] and text to be added is underscored.


Robert Fossum, Chair
Humza Durrani
H. George Friedman
Harry H. Hilton
John W. Kindt
Amit Mathur
Julian Palmore
Robert C. Damrau, Ex officio
Thomas M. Eakman, Observer
C. K. Gunsalus, Ex officio (designee)
Vera V. Mainz, (PAC Liaison)