October 6, 2008
University Statutes and Senate Procedures
(Final; Action)
SP.09.04 Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.15 – Committee on Public Engagement
The Sixth Senate Review Commission Final Report recommended “…that during the 2007-08 year, all Senate committees conduct a review of their charge, their operations, their staffing, and their titles, to determine if revisions to any of these might be appropriate.”
The Committee on Public Engagement has completed this review and recommends the following changes. They believe the changes more completely represent their charge.
The Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures and the Senate Committee on Public Engagement recommend approval of the following revisions to the Bylaws. Text to be deleted is indicated in [square brackets] and text to be added is underscored.
15. Committee on Public Engagement and Institutional Advancement
- Duties
Public engagement is the application for the public good of the knowledge and expertise of a faculty or staff member to issues of societal importance. Typically, this activity is done in collaboration with others inside and outside the university. The activity may enrich research and teaching as well as lead to new directions within the university.
Institutional advancement relates to fund-raising and development efforts at the campus level, with strong ties to the University of Illinois Foundation. These activities are targeted to support the multiple missions of the university in teaching, research, service and public engagement.
The Committee shall:
- Identify and consider programs, needs, concerns and interests of the faculty, staff and students pertaining to public engagement, institutional advancement, and alumni relations, and recommend desirable changes in campus policy.
- Examine trends in public engagement and institutional advancement here and in higher education generally, and recommend appropriate changes in campus policy and ways to facilitate best practices with internal and external constituencies.
- Advise the Senate on matters of institutional advancement and public engagement as appropriate including relevant matters brought forward by the Senate membership, faculty, staff and students, and the administration.
- Serve in a broad advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Public Engagement [and Institutional Relations] and to the Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement.
- Appoint subcommittees as needed to address specific needs.
- Membership
The Committee shall consist of:
- Five faculty members,
- One academic professional member,
- Two students,
- The Vice Chancellor for Public Engagement [and Institutional Relations] or the Vice Chancellor’s designee (ex officio), [and]
- The Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement or the Vice Chancellor’s designee (ex officio), and
- Such other ex officio members from among the administrative officers of the campus as the voting members shall recommend and the Senate shall approve.
University Statutes and Senate Procedures
William Maher, Chair
H. George Friedman
Peter Loeb
Vera Mainz
Anna-Maria Marshall
Ann Reisner
Elyne Cole, ex officio (designee)
Robert C. Damrau, ex officio
Larry Mann, Observer