University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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November 5, 2007


University Statutes and Senate Procedures
(Final; Action)

SP.07.07          Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.9 – Committee on Equal Opportunity

The Sixth Senate Review Commission Final Report recommended “…that during the 2007-08 year, all Senate committees conduct a review of their charge, their operations, their staffing, and their titles, to determine if revisions to any of these might be appropriate.  We know that some committees are already undergoing such a self-review.”

The Committee on Equal Opportunity has completed this review and recommends the following changes.  They believe the changes more completely represent their charge.

The Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures and the Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity recommend approval of the following revisions to the Bylaws.  Text to be deleted is indicated in [square brackets] and text to be added is underscored.


9.  Committee on Equal Opportunity and Inclusion

  • Duties

The Committee shall:

    • Develop and [encourage the development of equal opportunity and affirmative action programs and guidelines directed primarily toward increasing the numbers and improving the status of African-Americans, women, and other disadvantaged or minority groups in the University community.] support programs and guidelines promoting an equitable and welcoming campus environment for members of any underrepresented, historically disadvantaged, or marginalized groups.  Programs and guidelines may be developed wherever an apparent need exists, including but not necessarily limited to the following areas:
  • a. Academic and civil service employment, teaching, research, and public service;
  • b. Admission and financial aid policies and practices for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, as well as educational policies, practices and programs [(remedial and compensatory programs, special curricula, or special programs such as African-American studies or gender and women’s studies)];
  • c. Community projects and studies which relate to equal opportunity for disadvantaged and minority groups at all levels (students, faculty, and staff) on the campus.
    • Evaluate continually the equal opportunity posture of the campus and the University as a whole with regard to enunciated principles and actions taken.
    • Communicate and cooperate with other campus and University offices and committees established to work toward the objectives of this committee (e.g., the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access and the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women), as well as with local (non-University) community groups concerned with equal education and employment opportunity and with access of community minority groups to University cultural and recreational facilities and programs.
    • Where appropriate, make reports and recommendations to the Senate and to other units and officials of the University.
  • Membership

The Committee shall consist of:

    • Five faculty members,
    • One academic professional member,
    • Two students, and
    • Up to three ex officio members, recommended by the voting members and approved by the Senate, representing [interested groups such as the Black Students Association and the civil service employees] underrepresented, historically disadvantaged, or marginalized groups.

University Statutes and Senate Procedures
William Maher, Chair
Bettina Francis
H. George Friedman
Peter Loeb
Vera Mainz
Ann Reisner
David Rockwood
Carlos Rosa
Elyne Cole, ex officio (designee)
Robert C. Damrau, ex officio
Larry Mann, Observer