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April 18, 2005
University Statutes and Senate Procedures
Faculty & Student Electorate and Senator Distribution
Unit Faculty Total Student Total
Electorate Senators Electorate Senators
ACES 228 21 2050 3
ALS 45 5 1394 1
AVIA 17 1 232 1
BUS 92 8 2903 4
COMM 38 4 544 1
EDUC 98 9 673 1
ENGR 397 35 4691 7
FAA 193 16 1756 3
GRAD n/a n/a 8660 11
ILIR 12 1 n/a n/a
LAW 38 3 653 1
LAS 672 57 12751 18
LIBR 100 9 n/a n/a
LISC 19 2 n/a n/a
MED 36 3 189 1
SSW 12 1 n/a n/a
VMED 70 8 404 1
Totals 2079 183 36900 53