November 27, 2000
URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SENATE University Statutes and Senate Procedures
(Final; Action) SP.01.06 Proposed Revision to the Bylaws Part E.2 - Council on Program Evaluation (COPE) BACKGROUND
The Council on Program Evaluation (COPE) is an activity that has not been active since sometime in the mid-1990s. It is no longer used by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for reviewing units. It should be eliminated from the Bylaws, which this proposal accomplishes. The General University Policy Committee, which was charged with monitoring COPE, concurs with this recommendation. RECOMMENDATION
The Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures recommends approval of the revision to the Bylaws, Part E.2. Text to be deleted is indicated in [square brackets]. PROPOSED REVISION TO THE BYLAWS, PART E.2
- [2. Council on Program Evaluation (COPE)
- (a) Duties
- COPE shall advise the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs on the development and
- operation of a campus-wide system of program evaluation and be responsible for the
- periodic evaluation of academic programs. Also the Vice-Chancellor may assign similar
- review functions to COPE for other types of campus programs or COPE may initiate such
- reviews. COPE may operate through subcommittees.
- (b) Composition
- The Council shall consist of thirteen members including two undergraduate students, two
- graduate or professional students, and nine members from the faculty of whom at least
- four shall be without administrative appointments.
- (c) Terms of Appointment
- The members of COPE, including its chair, shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
- with the concurrence of the Senate. The student members serve for two-year terms and
- the faculty members serve for staggered three-year terms, both starting August 21.
- (d) Selection Procedures
- The concurrence of the Senate in appointments to COPE is provided as follows:
- 1. The Office of Academic Affairs send to the Committee on Committee a slate of three
- persons for each faculty vacancy and a slate of preferably more than one person for
- each student vacancy.
- 2. The Committee on Committees reviews the slates and, if appropriate, rank orders or
- rejects the individuals listed.
- 3. The Chair of COPE identifies for the Committee on Committees one person from each
- approved slate who is willing to serve on COPE.
- 4. The Committee on Committees recommends nominees for Senate approval.
- 5. The Vice-Chancellor appoints to COPE nominees who have the concurrence of the
- Senate.
- (e) Monitoring by Senate
- The General University Policy Committee is charged with the responsibility to monitor
- the functions and operations of COPE and will periodically report its obervations to the
- Senate.]
- Renumber remaining section.
Robert Fossum, Chair
Lanny Arvan
Gwendolyn Boyce
Brent Covington
Harry H. Hilton
Jay Kesan
Julian Palmore
Robert C. Damrau, Ex officio
Thomas M. Eakman, Observer
C. K. Gunsalus, Ex officio (designee)
Vera V. Mainz, (PAC Liaison)