November 8, 2010
Senate Executive Committee
(Final; Action)
SC.11.07 Procedures for Selecting a Search Committee to Advise the President on the Selection of a Chancellor
University Statutes, Article I, Section 5, Paragraph 2:
On the occasion of the appointment of a new chancellor, the president shall have the advice of a committee selected by the senate of the campus concerned.
Senate Constitution, Article VI, Section 11:
When the Senate selects members of a search committee, faculty senators shall nominate and elect faculty members of the committee and student senators shall nominate and elect student members of the committee in separate votes.
Senate Bylaws, Part F, Paragraph 5:
The composition of a committee selected by the Senate to advise the President on the occasion of the appointment of a new chancellor shall be determined by the Senate. The Committee will include faculty and student members elected in accordance with Article V (sic), Section 11 of the Senate Constitution. Any representatives of other University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign constituencies shall be nominated in consultation with representative bodies of those constituencies and shall be elected by the full Senate.
Senate Executive Committee proposes a search committee of 15 members: nine faculty (one chair and eight additional members), three students (at least one undergraduate and at least one graduate or professional), one dean or director, one academic professional, and one staff. The composition and selection procedures are similar to the most recent chancellor search (2004).
Senate Executive Committee, therefore, proposes that Committee on Committees present two nominees for the position of chair, 12 to 14 nominees for the additional faculty positions, and three to six nominees for the three student positions. Senate shall provide to the President two nominations for Chair; remaining members of the committee shall be elected by the Senate in accord with Senate Bylaws, as noted above.
Senate Executive Committee moves that the following composition of the chancellor search committee be approved by the Senate:
Chair: One member of the faculty. Committee on Committees and Senate Executive Committee jointly will make two nominations. Senate will elect two. President will select one as chair and the other as one of the eight faculty members.
Eight faculty members: Committee on Committees will nominate 12 to 14 members of the faculty electorate. Senate will elect five, Senate Executive Committee will elect two, and President will select one, as noted above.
Three students: Committee on Committees will nominate three to six members of the student electorate: at least one undergraduate student, with no more than one from the same college, and at least one graduate student, with no more than one from the same disciplinary college, or professional student, with no more than one from the same college. Senate will elect three.
One dean or director: Senate Executive Committee will nominate two members, after consultation with the Academic Council of Deans and the Urbana-Champaign Interim Chancellor. Senate will elect one.
One academic professional: Senate Executive Committee will nominate two members, after consultation with the Urbana-Champaign Council of Academic Professionals. Senate will elect one.
One staff: Senate Executive Committee will nominate two members, after consultation with the Staff Advisory Council. Senate will elect one.
Committee on Committees will provide a brief biographical sketch of each nominee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the Senate in accordance with Article VI, Section 11, of the Senate Constitution. Only faculty members are eligible to nominate and elect faculty members of the search committee, and only student members are eligible to nominate and elect student members of the search committee, in separate votes. For nominations from the floor, a brief biographical sketch will be made available and the person nominated must be present to assent orally or must have provided a written statement of willingness to be nominated and to serve if elected.
Joyce Tolliver, Chair
Matthew Wheeler, Vice-Chair
Abbas Aminmansour
Nicholas Burbules
Roy Campbell
Kim Graber
William Maher
Mary Mallory
Nancy O’Brien
David Olsen
Sarah Projansky
Teresa Ramos
Alexander Scheeline
David Wall