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September 14, 2009


Senate Executive Committee

SC 10.01B       Senate Resolution on Admissions Review Commission Report

WHEREAS the Admissions Review Commission has documented that the President of the University of Illinois and the Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign were involved, in differing ways, in an expanding process of inappropriate interventions into admissions; and

WHEREAS the Urbana-Champaign Academic Senate condemns the intrusion of external influences and the violations of academic and ethical standards that have been documented by the Admissions Review Commission; and

WHEREAS these interventions have subjected the University to state-wide and nation-wide criticism, resulting in damage to the reputation of our University; and

WHEREAS a reform of admissions policies and practices will be insufficient by itself to fully restore that reputation; and

WHEREAS the internal debate over the admissions crisis, how it happened, who is to blame, and what to do about it, has disrupted our University; and

WHEREAS uncertainty about the status of campus and university leadership has contributed to an insecure climate and to administrative paralysis; and

WHEREAS responding to external investigations and remedying the damage to the reputation of the University has already resulted in a drain on the University’s economic and human resources, with no end in sight;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the status quo of a divided and demoralized campus and University cannot be allowed to continue; and

BE IT RESOLVED that we strongly urge the newly constituted Board of Trustees to pursue a fair and expeditious personnel review of both campus and University leaders, in keeping with the recommendations of the Admissions Review Commission; and

BE IT RESOLVED that the primary outcome of such a review must be to help the campus and university re-establish public trust and confidence in both our admissions processes and our administrative management; and

BE IT RESOLVED that we strongly urge the Board of Trustees to consult substantively and frequently with the Urbana-Champaign Academic Senate and other duly elected campus governance leadership as part of their process of review and decision-making, within an active spirit of shared governance; and

BE IT RESOLVED that the Senate will revisit the issue of admissions and administrative leadership as circumstances dictate, and reserves the right to recommend additional actions in the future; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution be transmitted to the members of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees.

Joyce Tolliver, Chair