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April 17, 2006

Senate Executive Committee
( Final ; Information )

SC.07.01 Report of the Senate Clerk for the Election of Senate Executive Committee Chair and Vice-Chair and of Faculty Members of the Committee on Committees

An online election to fill the above positions was conducted from March 13 to March 17; two paper ballots were also received in the Senate Office. Ballot totals were determined by Senate Clerk Robert Damrau on Friday, March 17. He reported the following results:

Number of senators who voted: [1] ............................................................ 156

Chair of Senate Executive Committee (one-year term):

Vernon Burton (LAS)....................................................................................... 113
Abbas Aminmansour (FAA)............................................................................. 42

Vice-Chair of Senate Executive Committee (one-year term):

Nicholas Burbules (EDUC)............................................................................. 52
Karen Chapman-Novakosfski (ACES).......................................................... 46
Tom Ulen (LAW)................................................................................................ 48

Committee on Committees—Faculty (two-year terms):

Dorothy Espelage (EDUC).............................................................................. 55
Al Kagan (LIBR)................................................................................................. 56
Dana Rabin (LAS)............................................................................................. 88
Rachel Schwartz (BUS).................................................................................... 58

Based on the ballot totals, the following senators were declared elected:

Committee on Committees


Dana Rabin
Rachel Schwartz

Undergraduate Students:

Two to be named

Graduate/Prof. Student:

One to be named

Senate Executive Committee

Vernon Burton, Chair
Nicholas Burbules, Vice-Chair

2005-2006 Senate executive committee

Vernon Burton, Chair

[1] Not all senators who voted cast ballots for each election.
[2] In accord with the Senate Bylaws, only 1 senator per college may be elected.