University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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December 5, 2005

SC.06.06 Report of the Board of Trustees’ Meeting held on November 10, 2005 at UIS

In actions affecting this campus, the Board ruled on the following:

Redesignated the M.A. degree program in Russian and East European Studies as Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Transferred Industrial Engineering Program from Mechanical and Industrial Engineering to the Department of General Engineering.

Redesignated the Department of General Engineering as the Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering.

Redesignated the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering as the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Amended the Professional Services Agreement with Phillips Swager & Associates (with Ceasar Pelli & Associates) to provide interior design services for the Instructional Facility at an additional fixed fee of $108,500 including reimbursables – College of Business.

Authorized execution of a general license agreement for utilities installation with the City of Urbana - $200,000 this year and a like sum on or before June 30, 2006

Approved employment of RATIO Architects, Inc. for professional services required in the schematic design of the new Conference Center at the University of Illinois Research Park - $686,200 includes on-site observation and reimbursables.

Approved employment of Booth Hansen architectural/engineering firm ($2,230,141 and reimbursable expenses estimated at $145.131) for professional services required in the conceptualization, schematic design, and design development phases of the Student Dining and Residential Programs Building and the first wing of a residence hall to accommodate 200 residents including 26 Beckwith Hall residents, demolition of the Illini Orange facility, Gregory and Peabody dining halls, and Weston residence hall at a project budget of $75.7 million.

Approved project expansion ($5.4 million) of the Atkins Tennis Center and Eichelberger Field and employment of Bailey Edward Design architectural/engineering firm for professional services ($354,735 and reimbursable expenses estimated at $50,000) required for project completion.

Approved project rehabilitation and renovation ($12.9 million) for Roger Adams Laboratory and Hartwig Lab and employment of Harley Ellis for professional services through the warranty phase for the Hartwig Lab renovation at a fixed fee of $334,200 plus reimbursable expenses estimated at $70,000.

Approved 70 new faculty hires (7 Full Professors, 9 Associate Professors, & 54 Assistant Professors), 1 promotion to Associate Professor, and 14 to Professors Emeritus status.

Approved 9 Administrative/Professional hires and 1 Intercollegiate Athletic Staff hire.

Approved the following items from Educational Policy: (1) Joint B.S./M.S. Program in Materials Science and Engineering, (2) Establish Graduate Minor in Cinema Studies, and (3) Redesignated Interdisciplinary Minor in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies.


Chancellor Herman provided an overview of the campus’ plans to improve safety for pedestrians. His statement was preceded by a moment of silence for the recent traffic fatalities on campus. He outlined initiatives such as installation of stop signs, issuing citations to drivers and pedestrians who commit traffic violations, and reducing the presence of city buses on central campus. A comprehensive study of the campus’ grid for vehicle and pedestrian flow will be conducted and safety improvements will be made as necessary.

Several other administrators from our campus made presentations. Dean Hurd (College of Law) shared the law school’s successes in hiring eminent professors and young scholars with budding national reputations. These individuals have helped to enhance the visibility of our law school on a national level and strengthened the efforts to attain top 20 status. Dean Hurd offered the cautionary note that these individuals are pursued by other universities, and competitive salaries are critical for successful recruitment and retention. Other accomplishments of the law school mentioned by Dean Hurd included a higher median LSAT score, reduced faculty-student ratio, and ranking of seventh in nation for faculty productivity. Lastly, Dean Hurd explored the merits of a new building for the law school.

Dean Mangelsdorf (College of Liberal Arts & Sciences) provided a candid assessment of the academic and structural needs of her college. She was invited as a presenter by President White to illuminate his stance that the University has to be honest about the interventions needed to address space shortages, deferred maintenance, and curriculum pressures. Similar assertions were made by our student representative (Nick Klitzing) during his presentation.

President White emphasized that resource enhancements are needed to realize the University’s major focuses on quality educational experiences for our students, excellence in teaching and research, and superior facilities for all our campuses. In terms of facilities, he presented a planning model to help shape the direction, design, and time-line of capital projects. The model will include a roadmap to approval for the Trustees to follow. His model is intended to offer transparency in the rationale and selection process for particular projects and to facilitate the Trustees’ decision making regarding priorities.

Submitted by:

Reginald J. Alston

Senate Observer