September 19, 2005
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign SenateFinal;Information
SC.05.11 Report of the Board of Trustees’ Meeting, UIC, May 19, 2005In actions affecting this campus the Board:
· Welcomed new Trustee David Dorris · Adopted a resolution honoring UIUC Professor Nick Holonyak, Jr. · Appointed Richard Herman as Chancellor after a revision in the item to clarify the role of the Trustees relative to his employment · Appointed Professors Larry DeBrock and Ann Nardulli, Alumnus James Frakes, and students Brianne Knue, Ernest Powell, and Justin Volker to the Athletic Board · Approved creating the European Union Center, International Programs and Studies · Discontinued the Finance Major in LAS · Named the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center · Renamed the Dept. of Cell and Structural Biology the Dept. of Cell and Development Biology and similarly renamed the Ph. D. degree · Renamed the Dept. of Veterinary Pathobiology the Dept. of Pathobiology · Increased the Student Organization Resource Fee from $10 to $14 per semester · Increased the Campus Transportation fee by $5 to $38 per semester · Increased the graduate college application fee (by $10) to $40 for US and $60 for foreign applicants · Approved employment of Architect/Engineer for Natural History Survey.The Board spent considerable time in a discussion of whether we were receiving the best possible low bids on maintenance and upgrades of the Banner Software and the purchase of other equipment and supplies. They called for efforts to ascertain if alternative bidders could be found. A proposal to issue bonds for the auxiliary facilities was initially announced as withdrawn but later the Board granted authority to its Executive committee to approve the proposal after all Board members are supplied with extensive additional information. President White briefly summarized the progress on developing a strategic plan for the university and ultimately each campus and campus units.
He provided an initial framework for the process in April. Campuses are to provide a draft of their plan by October with a final plan in December in accordance with the university strategic plan. The university administration, foundation and alumni association will develop a strategic plan for that grouping. The plans by summer of next year will include both qualitative and quantitative guidance as to progress in achieving the goals. The President noted that while we have a one-year plan in the form of the budget, we need a strategic mission/vision reaching out ten years and a five-year business plan. Every unit will be asked to develop its own plan and test it in terms of the vision/mission. A preliminary operating budget for next year (FY’06) was adopted. It assumes no increase in state support, but increases of $29.3M from tuition, $37.3M from sponsored programs and $8M from private giving and endowment.
It calls for a salary program of 2.5 to 3% and a variety of other expenditures yielding a shortfall of $13.4M to be covered by internal reallocation. (That amount is 1.3% of the current year’s base.) These figures will be adjusted once the state budget process is completed with the possibility of a cut in state support. Each 1% loss in state support equals $7M, each 1% salary increase costs $8.6M and each 1% tuition increase net of financial aid yields $3.5M.A variety of presentations were made at board committee meetings. A strategic plan for the UIC College of Engineering was detailed.
Operating results (positive) for the university hospital were reviewed and Trustee Smith presented a description of a special effort to gain greater funding for medical education in a program labeled the “Illinois Bill of Health.” The Board held its executive session in an extended luncheon break. During the business meeting, the Board congratulated the retiring student trustees and approved a range of items relative to the various campuses, purchases and leases, settlement of three legal suits against the university and received a number of quarterly reports and updates.
Ken Andersen
Senate Observer