December 8, 2003
(Final;Action) RS.04.02 Prefiled Resolution Whereas, Chancellor Nancy Cantor has taken a leadership role in pursuit of the goal of a more integrated and inclusive campus community at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Whereas her recent statement reflecting her concerns about the divisiveness of the Chief debate, and its impact upon diversity initiatives and recruitment, are in keeping with this goal, and Whereas this senate has resolved in the past that the Chief should be retired in the interests of our campus, Be it resolved therefore that the Faculty and Student Senate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign hereby expresses its strong support for our Chancellor Nancy Cantor and thanks her for her efforts to promote a more inclusive atmosphere on our campus.
Sen. James R. Barrett
Sen. O. Vernon Burton
Sen. Norman Denzin
Sen. Belden Fields
Sen. Nancy Fisher
Sen. Bettina Francis
Sen. George Francis
Sen. Kristin Hoganson
Sen. Alfred Kagan
Sen. Peter Loeb
Sen. Mary Mallory
Sen. Leslie Reagan
Sen. Lynne Rudasill
Sen. Susan Searing