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10/23/00 MINUTES

June 15, 2000
Approved by USC


1. The appropriate manner of dealing with matters received by Senates Conference (Conference) from the campus senates (Senates) varies, depending upon their nature, their importance, and the need for timely resolution of any issues relating to them.

2. Beyond classifying actions taken by the various Senates, the primary responsibility of Conference in relation to them relates to actions taken on matters of University-wide import by one or more of them (Class II or III items). Conference may also make referrals and proposals to the Senates for their information and consideration, as it may deem appropriate.

3. While the University of Illinois is one university, Conference should be mindful of the general principle of campus autonomy in matters that do not require University-wide agreement and conformity, and so of the desirability of allowing each campus latitude in the development and implementation of policies and practices in such matters.

4. It is not the prerogative of Conference to take actions with substantive implications for the various campuses on its own, independently of the Senates. It may propose such actions; but any such proposals must be submitted to the various Senates for their consideration and action. It may, however, take actions with respect to matters received from the various Senates of the sorts indicated below.

5. Conference has the further function and responsibility of interacting with the University Administration, and so of facilitating communication in both directions between the Administration and the various Senates, as well as of advising and consulting with the President and other members of the Administration on matters of mutual interest and concern. Conference should alert the Senates to issues that come to light in this manner that may be of interest and concern to them, to the extent that the confidentiality of these discussions permits.

6. If the Senates adopt differing versions of any item, and if the item is of a routine character or if the differences are of a minor nature, Conference may develop, adopt and transmit a single version resolving the differences, notifying the Senates of the language used in the final version transmitted. If time and circumstances permit, the chairs of the steering/executive committees of the respective Senates should be given this information and provided with a reasonable time to respond before transmission of the final version; and if concerns are raised about the language adopted, transmission should be delayed to provide Conference with an opportunity to review the matter.

7. If the Senates adopt differing versions of an item involving the amendment of the Statutes, or if the item or differences are of more than a routine or minor nature, Conference has three options: (a) it may send each Senate the version(s) differing from its own, and ask it to reconsider its own; (b) it may transmit the differing versions to the President, with or without comment; or (c) it may (and normally should) endeavor to develop a single version attempting to resolve the differences, sending this proposed compromise version (together with the differing versions received) to the three Senates for their consideration and action. In doing so, Conference should attempt to facilitate mutual comprehension and accord between and among the various Senates. If this does not produce agreement in language, Conference may then transmit its final proposed version along with the differing versions from the various Senates to the President, with or without comment.

8. If an item or proposal is passed by all three Senates or by two of the three (with the third either dissenting or not acting within a reasonable time), Conference is obliged to transmit it to the President, with or without comment. If an item is considered and rejected by all or by two of the three Senates, Conference normally should consider this to be the end of the matter, although it may suggest or request that the dissenting Senates reconsider it, with or without comment. In exceptional cases in which an item or proposal is passed by only one Senate and is rejected by the other two, Conference may transmit the actions of all three Senates to the President, with or without comment, for the information of the President and Trustees, but with a clear indication of the lack of majority support among the Senates for the matter.