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(Approved unanimously, September 25, 2006, UIUC Senate Meeting)

Resolution on Global Campus

WHEREAS a proposal has been presented by the President of the University of Illinois to its Board of Trustees to establish a “University of Illinois Global Campus,” described in the document “The University of Illinois Global Campus Initiative: Final Report” (dated May 2006);

WHEREAS the proposed “Global Campus” would evidently be either a “campus” of the University of Illinois (as this term is used in the Statutes of the University) or a “unit organized at the University level” of some other nature;

WHEREAS the Statutes state, with respect to the formation and establishment of new “campuses” of the University:
e. Campuses. The formation of a new campus may be proposed by the president, by a senate, or by the University Senates Conference. The president shall submit the proposal for the new campus together with the advice of the senates and chancellors and the University Senates Conference to the Board of Trustees for action. If the proposal is adopted, the University Senates Conference shall serve as an advisory body to the president in developing procedures to implement the action of the board. [Article VIII, Section 1; boldface added.]

WHEREAS the Statutes also state, with respect to the formation and establishment of any other “unit organized at the University level”:
d. Units Organized at the University Level. Units organized at the university level, such as institutes, councils, and divisions, may be formed for the development and operation of teaching, research, extension, and service programs which are statewide or intercampus in their scope and which cannot be developed under a campus administration. Such an organization may be proposed by a senate, a chancellor, the University Senates Conference, or the president. The president shall submit the proposal for the new organization together with the advice of the senates and chancellors and the University Senates Conference to the Board of Trustees for action. [Article VIII, Section1; boldface added.]

WHEREAS the “advice of the senates and chancellors and the University Senates Conference” is thus required by the Statutes to be “submitted” by the President to the Board “together with” any such proposal of either sort;

WHEREAS this requirement remains to be satisfied in the present case, with respect to the “advice” in this matter of the senates of the three campuses in particular;

WHEREAS there are significant questions with respect to the “Global Campus” as proposed that warrant close and careful consideration by all parties specified in the cited Statutes, rendering it important that the Board have the benefit of their advice before acting in this matter; and

WHEREAS the senates as well as the chancellors and the University Senates Conference must be given the opportunity to develop and transmit their advice sufficiently in advance of Board action on the matter for it to be given due consideration by the Board, taking due account of senate calendars and processes; therefore


THAT the President is called upon to adhere to the Statutes in this matter, and to suspend submission of the “Global Campus” proposal until he can (in accordance with the Statutes) “submit the proposal … together with the advice of the senates, the chancellors and the University Senates Conference to the Board of Trustees for action”;

THAT, in light of the requirements of the Statutes cited above, the Board of Trustees is requested to defer action upon the “Global Campus” proposal set forth in the May 2006 “Final Report” until all parties specified have had the opportunity to develop and provide their advice with respect to it, and the Board has received and considered that advice;

THAT the senates (which do not meet during the summer months) be allowed a reasonable period of time – at least until the end of the 2006 fall semester – to examine and discuss the “Final Report,” obtain needed clarifications, engage in relevant consultations, and develop and submit their advice;

THAT adherence to the Statutes in this matter, and the importance of the advice developed through due consideration of the “Global Campus” proposal by those specified in the Statutes, take precedence over any reasons for haste in proceeding with its establishment; and

THAT this Resolution be communicated (together with any related action that the Urbana-Champaign Campus Senate may take at its 25 September 2006 meeting) to the other two senates, the chancellors, the University Senates Conference, the President, and the Board of Trustees.


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus Senate Executive Committee

(Approved by unanimous vote at its 18 September 2006 meeting.)