Report on IBHE Faculty Advisory Council Meeting
January 21 and 22, 2010
The Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) of the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) met at Governors State University (GSU) on Thursday and Friday January 21 and 22, 2010. Thursday’s dinner meeting was hosted by GSU and featured remarks by guest Ellie Sullivan, President of University Professionals of Illinois (UPI) Local 4100 on the financial status of the State and its impact on higher education.
Friday’s meeting began at 8:30 AM with representatives from 29 member institutions present. GSU interim Provost, David Curtis, welcomed the group to his campus and described some of the features and challenges that his institution is facing in light of the State’s financial crisis. He noted that GSU is Illinois’ smallest public university and only serves upper division students. All GSU students are transfer student, requiring GSU to work closely with community colleges. He noted that GSU facilities are suffering considerably from lack of funds.
Don Sevener, IBHE’s Deputy Director for External Relations was the guest speaker for the meeting. Sevener spoke about IBHE Chairwoman Carrie Hightman’s letter to the Governor regarding impact of the state’s cash flow problem on higher education. He stated that all higher education appropriated funds will be distributed, but was unable to give a certain date for this happening. Sevener emphasized that some legislators consider voting for tax increase an unwise political decision.
Sevener spoke about efforts by a number of groups to support increasing the State’s revenue stream and referenced Responsible Budget Coalition (RBC) as one such group which includes a variety of organizations including social service agencies; unions and educational groups. He noted that RBC is focusing on gathering support for House Bill 174 (HB 174) that is similar to Senate Bill 750 (SB 750) which calls for cuts in property taxes and increases in income tax.
Sevener stated that higher education cannot rely on the moral of the politicians for funding and added that legislators listen to their constituents. Therefore, he concluded, an effort such as the one that led to changes in State’s position to fund MAP last fall may be necessary. He noted that phone calls from citizens of the state as well as rallies and visits to legislators’ district offices may be effective. Sevener called letters to editorial boards and administrators involved in funding of higher education as other potentially effective tools. He said parents, business leaders and alumni could be very effective in the effort to ensure appropriate and dependable funding for higher education. Sevener stated that Speaker Madigan is interested in bi-partisan support for HB 174 which may include 8 to 10 Republicans in order to call a vote on the bill. He guessed that the bill will not be called or passed in January or in the spring session. But, he added, things may change based on the outcome of the primary elections and lobbying efforts.
It was pointed out by a member that a number of countries have placed considerable emphasis on higher education and are providing significant funds for new research facilities, recruiting and funding outstanding faculty and graduate students from other countries, etc. while higher education in the United States, certainly in Illinois, are suffering. It was noted that this trend may lead to U.S. higher education leadership being in a challenging position internationally in as few as ten years.
Ocheng Jany, IBHE Associate Director for Academic Affairs brought members up to date on developments in hiring new staff in Academic Affairs.
FAC subgroups addressing different goals of the Public Agenda met to discuss their specific tasks. In addition, caucuses met separately to discuss issues of interest to their membership. Les Hyder, Chair of the Public Caucus, reported that the group had discussed inviting a number of people to the March FAC meeting in Champaign to receive guidance for the group in terms of how FAC may be more effective in helping enhance the future of higher education. Dan Tahtinen reported on the Community College Caucus and stated that the group had discussed implementation issues of the Dual Credit Act. Shawn Schumacher of the Private/Independent Caucus reported that his group had discussed their representation on the FAC and added that they will have a motion to move two of their slots to at-large.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM. The next FAC meeting will be at SIUE on February 19th.
Submitted respectfully,
Abbas Aminmansour