November 9, 2009
University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign Senate
Final; Information
HE.10.02 Report on IBHE Faculty Advisory Council Meeting, October 16, 2009*
The FAC met at Northern Illinois University from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The meeting time is being expanded by more than an hour to accommodate the work of the Council.
Council Chair, John Bennett reported on the recent meeting of the IBHE (Illinois Board of Higher Education). Topics addressed included issues of resource allocation given the mission creep of higher education institutions in Illinois. A presentation by Andrew Davis suggested the use of bonds to fund higher education with bonds repaid through the future higher taxes collected on the basis of the enhanced future income of the graduates. (It was noted that the bond rating for Illinois as a state has dropped two steps.)
An effort to collect data on students from elementary through graduate work P-20) is underway both nationally and in the state. A Policy Summit will be held November 17 focused on what to data to collect and how to collect it. A number of issues were identified in the FAC discussion: students moving in and out of education both in and out of state; simultaneous enrollment in more than one institution; participation of private institutions if data is to be complete, degree vs. certificate vs. non-credit goals; non-traditional students; cost; and monitoring enrollment over a lifetime. One important concern is the many possible uses of the data.
Ocheng Jany, Liaison from the IBHE staff, noted that access and affordability will be long-term issues. The state is 9 months behind in paying some bills. The extensive IBHE staff attrition has resulted in overloads for those remaining and much of the work not being completed in a timely fashion. The agency is holding back 7% of its budget; meanwhile two positions in the academic affairs section remain unfilled. The FAC discussed whether a resolution on the issue or other FAC action is needed. He indicated that the IBHE will propose a tiered investment program as its budget recommendation using the public agenda items as the framework. (The Governor’s budget proposal will be in March. A cut in next year’s higher education budget is likely.)
President John Peters of ISU welcomed the group. He stressed the importance of the student rally in Springfield and faculty senate resolutions on MAP as being key to its reinstatement for the spring semester even if the source of funds has not been identified. He anticipates an extended period of incredibly low budgets with the state already 4 months in arrears in payments to universities. No 4- year public institution has received any of 2010 appropriated GRF funds to date. If this continues some will not be able to meet payroll since personnel are about 80% of the higher education budget. This may force institutions to borrow to meet payroll.
He stressed we have reached the limit of increases in tuition and the urgency of collective action on the part of higher education. He anticipates no tax increase until after the February primary elections. He also warned we are seeing a rebellion on student fees: many students don’t want the things that student fees buy given the economic climate. Most legislators see the 4-year public institutions as being in Republican districts (aside from UIC) and Democrats who control the legislature have ties to private educational institutions. He welcomes the return of Stan Ikenberry as U of I president and stressed the value of his credibility and ties across the state and with the legislature. He believes Ikenberry will be a major force in uniting the higher education community and making the case for higher education.
IBHE legislative liaison Don Sevener said the rally in Springfield on MAP had an immense impact. He said the issue of time reports for faculty is not on the radar for legislators and joined with President Peters in suggesting that the issue not be emphasized by keeping a low profile on this issue and accepting the audit finding of not being compliant. While a tax increase may seem inevitable after the primary elections, it may not happen as legislative leaders may not be willing to undertake a long-term solution. Issues for IBHE include two House Resolutions: one to examine the affordability of higher education structures; the other the sustainability of the MAP program. The Senate overrode the veto of SB 51 that mandates a change in higher education procurement policy, making that a responsibility of IBHE, which has no expertise or ability to staff that function. He expects the House may join in the override.
In the business meeting Ken Andersen presented a summary of SUAA and SURSMAC activity. (See the SURSMAC Report in this packet.) The Four-Year Public Caucus expressed great concern about understaffing at the IBHE and demands upon the time of the IBHE chair in also chairing the SURS Board. Members will draft resolutions on staffing needs and sale of bonds for pensions and the capital program. They believe IBHE meetings should be held throughout the state and should address the public agenda in activities at their meetings.
Ken Andersen
Alternate IBHE-FAC Senate Representative