April 28, 2008
University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign Senate
HE.08.12. Report on the IBHE Faculty Advisory Council Meeting, April 1, 2008.
The FAC met with the IBHE at ISU. The group audited the IBHE meeting and then met with some of the Board members including Chair Hightman for lunch.
Little of substance was discussed at the luncheon beyond some iteration of elements of the FAC report made to the BHE during its meeting.
Legislative issues were briefly discussed including the fact that all four leaders seem to desire a capital bill, but there is no agreement on its size or how it would be paid for. With regard to taking a more aggressive stance in support of the needs of higher education it was said that the hostilities in Springfield make it dangerous to take any position. Overt opposition to the governor can be “very foolish” in one BHE member’s view.
A nominating committee to identify candidates for positions within the FAC was named and several long-time members will be leaving the group. The next meeting will be at SIU on May 16.
Ken Andersen
UIUC Senate FAC Representative