University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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April 30, 2007

University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign Senate

HE.07.10 Report on the Illinois Board of Higher Education Meeting, March 27, 2007.

The BHE met at the Springfield Hilton. Recently appointed Chair Carrie Hightman is working to improve her understanding of higher education with one-on-one visits with board members and plans to meet with university presidents and visit campuses.  She has been reviewing board minutes and background materials.  She met with the House Appropriations Committee on the higher ed budget.

Director Erwin encouraged participation in the April 25 lobby day in Springfield. The Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on higher ed funding is April 26.  She continues to stress the idea of a unified educational system P-20.

Three resolutions honored departed IBHE members James Kaplan, former chair, Cordelia (Dea) Meyer and Steven Taslitz.

As part of the advisory committee reports, the Faculty Advisory Council stressed the urgency of finding a means to address the student debt problem, noting that high debts upon graduation limit the ability to choose low pay but socially desirable activities such as teaching, social work, and nursing.  The community college representative stressed the importance of pushing for approval of the higher ed budget.

The BHE has a committee reviewing the process of approving new programs and operating authority. Draft recommendations are posted on the BHE website.  Concerns include the length of the review process, role of accreditation, consumer protection, use of site visits, post-approval checkups, transferability, a possible fee and the need to create a Board Academic Affairs Committee.  The staff charged with the reviews has a heavy workload with 116 programs reviewed and 99 brought for approval during the year. The process often involves several exchanges between staff and the petitioning institution.

The major focus of the meeting was responses by several key legislators to two queries posed by the chair.  The first dealt with budget priorities and the second given brief attention was the role of the General Assembly re education generally.

The legislators were thanked for their comments and advice.

Don Sevener made the legislative report.  He noted 5,928 bills have been introduced.  The concept of P-20 is gaining in impact.  There are bills on textbook costs (Hunter), affordability, funding academic merit scholarships (Maloney), master planning for higher education, and moving the chief procurement office from U of I to BHE.  The Governor may introduce his education plan. 

Routine items on the agenda were adopted without incident.

Ken Andersen
FAC to the IBHE Representative