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March 27, 2006



Prefiled Resolution

(Final - Action)

FB.05.01 Resolution on Parking Policies

Prior to the early 1970's, parking on the UIUC campus was free for full-time employees. At that time, the State of Illinois changed its funding policies and discontinued payments to the University for any parking lots and structures as well as their maintenance. The University, at that time, instituted an annual fee for parking spaces. At this time, it is unclear as to what these charges cover in terms of lot and structure original construction and maintenance, nor is it clear as to what salaries of parking personnel, if any, are charged against the collected rental fees.

Whereas, Parking is offered to employees in many institutions and industries at no cost or at a cost considerably lower than at UIUC; and

Whereas, UIUC parking rates have risen at yearly percentages considerably higher than inflation; and

Whereas, Parking fees should generate revenues necessary only to maintain structures and lots;

Be it resolved by the UIUC Senate that

Future parking rates be set to generate revenues only for operational costs of parking lots and structures.

Senate Committee on Faculty Benefits
Barclay Jones, Chair
Jenny Barrett
Norm Denzin
Joseph Goldberg
Harry Hilton
Jonathan Keeble
Michelle Morganosky
Kenneth Andersen, Ex officio
James Davito, Ex officio
Michael Grossman, Ex officio
Anne Jennings, Ex officio (designee)
Terry Jobin, Observer
Mary Ellen O’Shaughnessey, Ex officio (designee)
Judy Rathgeber, Ex officio (designee)