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April 24, 2000


Committee on Equal Opportunity
(Final - Action)

EQ.97.02 Resolution on Child Care


The Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity (EQ) supports the recent initiatives concerning child care. As a result of the Baby-In, the Administration submitted a proposal to the Board of Trustees to expand the Child Development Laboratory, a first step in this important initiative. Also, Kathleen Pecknold, Associate Provost and Director of Academic Human Resources, will be establishing a campus wide committee to study family related issues, such as child care and elder care.

In the spirit of these positive signs about support for child care on this campus, EQ sees the need to press forward and request a daycare center with a convenient location for students, staff and faculty. Both the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and the University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS) have such facilities providing the kinds of services that our campus needs. In fact, Chicago has two centers - one on the west side of campus and one on the east side. Both campuses have reasonable rates and a more flexible time schedule than the 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. hours of many private daycare facilities. The following is a profile of the UIS Child Care Program:

Day Program: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Evening Program: 5:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Half-day rates are up to 4½ hours.

Toddler (15 mo.-24 mo.) 2 year olds Pre-school (3 years & up) Full-Time $115-$125/wk. Full-Time $90-$100/wk. Full-Time $80-$90/wk. Half-Day $15-$17/day Half-Day $13-$15/day Half-Day $12-$14/day

Other universities have attractive programs also. For example, the University of Wisconsin at Madison offers child care with a tuition assistance program based upon need and the type of care needed.

EQ considers it an unequal benefit within the University to have two campuses with daycare for their students, faculty and staff while the third campus (UIUC) does not. Therefore, EQ presents the following resolution to the UIUC Faculty/Student Senate:


Whereas we appreciate the recent initiatives, we ask that the Faculty/Student Senate demand that the Campus Administration establish a child care center similar to those on the University's other two campuses.

Heidi Von Gunden, Chair
Carlos Ball
Tirzah Hussey
Silvia Moreno
Victor Ramirez
Emily Watts
Ronald Woolfolk (PAC Liaison)