April 26, 2010
Prefiled Resolution
(Final; Action)
EQ.10.01 Resolution on Diversity and Equity Initiatives
The Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity and Inclusion is charged with developing, encouraging and evaluating equal opportunity and affirmative action programs and guidelines that are intended to increase the numbers, and improve the status, of minority groups in the University community. Given the financial situation on campus, we would like to encourage our leadership to remain vigilant regarding diversity issues and not lose sight that this must remain a priority. Currently, under-represented groups comprise fewer than 10% of the tenure system faculty and APs. Women across racial groups make up 30% of tenure system faculty. (More information on these numbers is available at www.dmi.illinois.edu and www.oeoa.illinois.edu) Although some progress has been made, more is needed. Moreover, the current financial situation may make us vulnerable to losing the valuable strides we have made on this campus. Thus, the following resolution is presented:
WHEREAS, diversity and equity are essential components of the core missions of the University; and
WHEREAS, the University still has significant progress to make on achieving diversity and equity in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability among faculty, staff, and students; and
WHEREAS, potentially far-reaching decisions to restructure the University are currently being
undertaken in response to financial constraints;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Interim Chancellor/Provost and the Vice Chancellor of
Academic Affairs evaluate all restructuring decisions specifically for their potential impact on the
campus’s diversity and equity initiatives; and
BE IT RESOLVED that every effort be made to ensure that a higher priority is placed on the
University’s commitment to diversity and equal opportunity and access than on cost-cutting; and
BE IT RESOLVED that faculty, staff, and students from historically underrepresented groups be
included among those who are making recommendations and decisions about restructuring the
University; and
BE IT RESOLVED that the University maintain and strengthen its commitment to the recruitment and retention of students, faculty, and staff from historically underrepresented groups; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution be transmitted to the Interim Chancellor/Provost and members of the Steering Committee on Stewarding Excellence.
Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity and Inclusion
Kimberly Shinew, Chair
Liam Bird
Nancy Cambron
Dana Hall
Harry H. Hilton
Alex Sanchez
Constance Shapiro
Siobhan Somerville