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Senate Committee on Educational Policy


Educational Policy Membership & Subcommittees


Committee meetings are open to the public unless otherwise indicated.

Proposal sponsors are welcome to attend the committee meeting at which the sponsor's proposal is being discussed. The sponsor's availability to attend the meeting and answer any questions or make clarifications may help facilitate the committee approval process. However, please be aware that the committee may not have enough time to discuss all items on a meeting agenda, or the committee may need to rearrange the order of agenda items.

Agendas, minutes, annual reports, membership listing, and meeting schedule are available in BOX.


Important Notice:

  • In cases when a proposal impacts resources of other units (e.g. dependence on courses offered by other departments, library resources, etc.), the Senate Committee on Educational Policy (EP) requires written confirmation from the impacted unit(s) that the necessary resources have been committed for this purpose. It is important that sponsors of such proposals obtain the required written agreement(s) in advance of submitting their proposal and include those documents in their packet to avoid delays in review of their proposals.
  • Approval of a proposal by the Senate does not indicate a commitment by the University to provide the necessary resources to offer the proposed courses, curricula, degrees, etc. indefinitely.

General Information:

Proposals that have gone through the appropriate channels and have been approved by the relevant committees and/or authorities at the unit and college levels will be sent to the Office of the Provost. If necessary, the Office of the Provost will forward a proposal to the Senate Committee on Educational Policy (EP) for consideration and recommendation to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate. Please see the following links for additional information.

Proposal Forms/Formats:

Proposals must be submitted through the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system.


Status of Proposals Received: 

Please note that the Senate Committee on Educational Policy (EP) is only one of the bodies that may review a proposal. If approved by EP, a proposal is forwarded to the full Senate for a vote. Additional approvals by the Board of Trustees and the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) may be necessary for some proposals. 

The Office of the Provost will inform the sponsors in writing when a proposal has received all necessary approvals and may be implemented.

To view the status of items/proposals under consideration by EP, click HERE.

Other Information:

Information Related to Programs, Degrees, or Units

Information Related to Courses and Programs 


For a list of related links, click HERE.