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April 25, 2005


Committee on Campus Operations
Final - Information

CO.05.02 2004-2005 Annual Report

As of the drafting of this report, the Senate Committee on Campus Operations (SCCO) had met seven times during the 2004-2005 academic year; an additional meeting is scheduled for May. Some of the issues before the SCCO were carried over from previous years. These issues include campus safety and crime prevention, the South Farms Project, oversight of campus classroom and laboratory remodeling and renovations, classroom reassignment, campus parking, and the Research Park. Recent issues include Campus Security, Recreation Facilities, Banner System, pedestrian traffic, deferred maintenance, Campus Master Plan, Campus Networking Upgrade, the duration of construction projects on Campus, and campus quality of life, and its use for attracting the best possible students, faculty and staff.

The Committee will send a Prefiled Resolution to the April 25 Senate meeting (CO.05.01, Resolution Regarding the Restoration of the Lincoln Hall Building).
Invited guests included Stephen Rugg, Vice President for Administration, University Comptroller; Lyle Wachtel, Associate Vice President for Capital Programs, Facilities Planning Programs; Peter Siegel, CIO, CITES; Stan Yagi, Assistant CIO for Information Technologies, CITES; Beth Scheid, Division Director, Communications Technologies, CITES; Mark Netter, Director, Facility Management & Scheduling; Terry Ruprecht, Campus Academic Facilities Officer, Facility Management & Scheduling; Carol Malmgren, Assistant Director for the Timetable, Facility Management & Scheduling; Clark Wise, Director of Capital Projects, Facilities & Services; Oliver J. Clark, Chief of Police and Executive Director of Public Safety; Mark Briggs, Campus Risk Manager; Gary Biehl, Facilities and Services; Eugene Barton, Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs; and Jesse “Tony” Clements, Director, Division of Campus Recreation.
Liaison Members to Several Campus Committees
Public Safety Advisory Committee

Douglas Cruitt
Facilities and Services Advisory Committee

James Anderson and Michael Andrejasich
Facilities Planning Committee

James Anderson and Michael Andrejasich
Parking/Transportation Committee

Tom Overbye and Tom Teper
Campus Transportation Committee

George francis, John Lammers, and Tom Overbye
Committee on a Sustainable Campus Environment

H. Rex Gaskins
The following is a list of issues discussed during 2004-2005:
Campus Master Plan Update – Stephen Rugg, Vice President for Administration, University Comptroller; and Lyle Wachtel, Associate Vice President for Capital Programs, Facilities Planning and Programs

Rugg gave an overview of the University’s Master Plan (distributed handout “Campus Master Planning Process”) and described it as a document that presents the physical configuration of the Campus. The BOT has approved this legal document; State Law dictates the use of Eminent Domain in the officially approved Master Plan. Twin objectives of meeting the needs of the Colleges of ACES and VMED have changed the south campus. There is an ad hoc plan to explore the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, areas in and around Orchard Downs, student housing needs and expansion of the Research Park. A Master Plan update was needed to incorporate these and a variety of transportation issues; the process will culminate with a series of recommendations. Rugg said that the underlying academic program needs of a college such as the College of ACES drive the outcome, not necessarily the architecture vision. Rugg pointed out that once Windsor Road was widened to four lanes it became apparent that the Campus needed to make some specific changes for ACES. Wachtel reported that in the last twenty years there have been major additions to the north campus including the Public Safety Building, Beckman Institute, Grainger Engineering Library, WILL, etc. Andrejasich said he would like to see the Master Plan aired in public, preferably held at Temple Buell Hall in front of architecture students; he thought it was a good way to find stakeholders. Reis asked what mechanism they have to get faculty perspective and how the SCCO might help. Rugg said they obtain information from attending meetings like this one; also rely on the Provost’s Office to work close with faculty on these issues.

“Campus Networking Upgrade: An Operational Perspective” – Peter Siegel, CIO, CITES; Stan Yagi, Assistant CIO for Information Technologies, CITES; and Beth Scheid, Division Director, Communications Technologies, CITES (Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services)
Siegel distributed handouts and gave a brief update on the Campus Networking Process saying there have been frequent discussions for many years on upgrading the network structure. Town meetings were held whereby 650 faculty and staff members attended. Three years ago the Information Technology Advisory Board made recommendations which both Siegel and the Provost endorsed. There are approximately 300 buildings on campus; 156 will receive a full network upgrade per deferred maintenance, 108 will be upgraded as required. Although it may not be noticeable, the growth of the network continues at ten to fifteen percent per year; during this time reliability begins to drop. There are many reasons for modernization – security, spam, etc. Universities are an open environment; any attacks to our system are in the hands of international law enforcement.

Siegel reported that with the growth of both Web and wireless use, there is an immediate need to make classroom networks highly reliable. There are presently 55,000 wire connections on campus and it is predicted that there will be 80,000 connections by the year 2012. The scope of Deferred Maintenance for the Upgrade to move toward international standards is $20 million for 5-years.
“Classroom Scheduling” – Mark Netter, Director; Terry Ruprecht, Campus Academic Facilities Officer; and Carol Malmgren, Assistant Director for the Timetable – Facility Management & Scheduling
Ruprecht distributed copies of “Classroom Management,” and remarked that the Campus has seen an incredible amount of changes in the past few years. He referred to the page showing the results of a space survey prepared by Paulien & Associates; representing several universities, the survey shows that UIUC is below the mean. Ruprecht explained that our campus has as many as 15,000 events during the school year; contributing to that total are the 1,200 registered student organizations on campus.

Netter remarked that while classrooms are allocated to departments, they are not automatically assigned to them; it is preferable to assign some classes, like rhetoric, to locations around campus. Ruprecht pointed out that the trends during 1998-2003 have shown a decline in classrooms for less than 50. Non-traditional room scheduling has become hard to accommodate; Purdue schedules classes from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays.
Teper suggested a motion to normalize class scheduling. After a short discussion, the Committee agreed to determine the process for changing the Final Exam to two hours instead of three hours.
Clark Wise, Director of Capital Projects, Facilities & Services – Presentation on the proposed Hotel/Restaurant/Conference Center
Clark Wise distributed copies of a map illustrating proposed changes for the south campus and walked members through the handout. The Campus is taking a conservative approach to planning this facility, as statistics show that when facilities of this kind are overbuilt, they have a tendency to fail. As part of the Campus Master Plan, this includes three components being contemplated in the South Research Park area.

HOTEL – 120 room hotel that could eventually be enlarged to 175 rooms; 4-story structure with 30-units per floor
RESTAURANT – located mid-point between the hotel and conference center; occupancy 210 to 240
CONFERENCE CENTER – 25,000 square foot facility; plan to start out with a head count of 500 with plans to eventually go to 1,000
“High Speed Emergency Notification System” – Oliver J. Clark, Chief of Police and Executive Director of Public Safety; and Mark Briggs, Campus Risk Manager
Chief Clark distributed copies of a Crime Map for September 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 and the Crime Map Data Comparison (9/1/02 through 12/31/02 vs. 9/1/2003 through 12/31/03 vs. 9/1/2004 through 12/31/04). He walked the members through the handouts and reported that aggravated assaults have risen drastically, mostly in the northwest quadrant. His department tries to educate the public on safety issues and taking the appropriate measures to protect themselves. An important concern has been how to notify the campus community if a major event/crises were to occur on campus. About 1995, they started the “telephone tree” as a means to notify the campus of a tornado, but this process does have its imperfections. Briggs distributed handouts of a Dialogic-Communicator System that would pre-program a list of contacts for predicted emergencies that would continue through each contact source (home phone, cell phone, pager, etc.). As a result of 9/11, there has become a hot market for high speed emergency notification systems at many universities.

“Pedestrian Safety” – Gary Biehl, Facilities and Services
Biehl gave an update on what is being done to promote pedestrian safety although he wondered if the median signs across campus may give pedestrians a false sense of security. He reported that Ray Benekohal from Engineering would be conducting a survey across campus to study the scope of pedestrian safety; there will be a collection of observations, discussions of focus groups, pedestrian volume counts at key campus crossings, summary of pedestrian accidents at crosswalks, etc.

Biehl noted that the CATS I Project had produced great success on Green Street by reducing traffic from four lanes to three. The Campus is considering changes to Lincoln Street by using that same technique between Nevada and Pennsylvania with traffic signals on those corners.
Reports by Jack Dempsey, Executive Director of Facilities and Services
Dempsey kept the committee informed on many construction projects on campus and their duration as follows:

· Construction on the North Campus Parking Garage has been completed including the addition of privately owned business. The first floor has been rented to USGS (United States Geological Survey) at market rate; they employ fifty graduate students each year so it is advantageous for them to be closer to campus. Devonshire Realty has been hired to handle leasing space; parameters have been set for a restaurant that sells liquor, a coffee shop and a sandwich shop.

· UIUC is about to embark on the Central Campus Parking Garage to be located behind the Newman Rectory on Fifth street across from Illini Tower; air-rights will be sold for the construction of apartments to be built above.

· Gregory Place on the corner of Oregon and Gregory Streets is nearing completion; the complex contains student housing and restaurants. The University is in the process of negotiating Phase II whereby parking will be operated by another corporation and we would purchase leased spots.

· Freshman classes have grown; thus, the campus is short about six classrooms with a capacity to hold 75-100 students. Huff Hall could meet this need, but then those athletic facilities would have to be relocated; a Committee was formed on September 1 to consider the construction of a multi-sport facility to recapture that space.

· Proposed renovation of Lincoln Hall is driven by problematic needs. There is not enough space on the quad; they are hoping to recapture space on the 4th floor and in the auditorium. The price tag is expected to be well over $50 million.

· Requests for bids are being made for building graduate student housing. Orchard Downs was built in the 1950’s and was considered family-student housing. There are 780 units; 469 of them are occupied by families, loosely described; 280 of these units are in such bad shape that they should be demolished today. Since the 50’s there have been some distinct changes; in the present market, there are many developers able to meet the student requirements and the Campus’ needs as to size and cost.

· A parking garage structure will be developed later this summer at Sixth and Green Streets, the old Wendy’s location. Dempsey pointed out that the landscape in campus town is changing and becoming more vertical.

· There are negotiations in progress for major renovations to Memorial Stadium that would start after the 2006 football season at a cost of at least $50 million.

Senate Committee on Campus Operations
Henrique Reis, Chair
James Anderson
Michael J. Andrejasich
Douglas Cruitt
John G. Dempsey, ex officio*
George Francis
H. Rex Gaskins
John Lammers
Tom Overbye
Kathe Munz Shinham, ex officio*
Tom Teper
Glen Whitmer

*Denotes non-voting status