CG 00.07
TO: Bob Rich, Chair of Senate Council
FROM: Nicholas Burbules, Chair, Conference on Conduct Governance
DATE: April 11, 2000
RE: Changes to Rule 22 on Political Canvassing in Campus Housing
As a result of discussions with John Collins, Director of Housing and Ervin Cox, Assistant Director of Housing, we are proposing the following changes to Rule 22, to bring it into conformity with Campus Housing policy, and to simplify the registration procedures for political canvassers.
Deletions marked with a strikethrough; additions underlined.
22. Solicitation and Commercial Activity in University Residence Halls--Students, Staff, and General Public (Also see Rule 103; the General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, article V; and Campus Administrative Manual, section VIII-1)
Solicitation or commercial activity is prohibited in University Residence Halls except under the following conditions:
- A. General Conditions for Canvassing
- 1. All canvassers shall register before canvassing. A canvassing permit will be issued if the applicant has completed the registration form, has not had a permit revoked in the last nine months, and agrees to abide by the general conditions for canvassing. Canvassers must first register in the Office of the Dean of Students (301 Turner Student Services Building). Second, canvassers must register with each housing unit. Information regarding who to contact within each unit may be obtained at registration with the Office of Campus Regulations.
1.2. Canvassers shall refrain from littering. -
2.3. Canvassers shall conform with visitation regulations. -
3.4. Canvassing may take place only between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. -
4.5. Canvassing is prohibited in dining rooms and meal lines, i.e., lines formed after entering a dining room. 5. In cases where door-to-door canvassing is permitted, the following additional rules are in effect:a. canvassers shall not attempt to contact students who have a sign outside of their room that indicates no canvassing is permitted. For other rooms, canvassers shall knock on the resident's door, identify themselves, state their purpose for being on the floor, and show their permit.- b. canvassers shall immediately honor a student's request to leave the room or doorway. If roommates disagree about permitting canvassing, no canvassing shall take place in that room.
- c. canvassers are prohibited from using amplifying devices, or engaging in discussions in the corridor that disturb the peace of the floor.
- 6. Door-to-door canvassing is not permitted. Upon request to the housing unit, arrangements will be made to provide properly registered canvassers with space in high traffic public areas of the residence hall.
6.7. Violation of any of these six conditions of section A.5 above is cause for revocation of permission to canvass.
- 1. All canvassers shall register before canvassing. A canvassing permit will be issued if the applicant has completed the registration form, has not had a permit revoked in the last nine months, and agrees to abide by the general conditions for canvassing. Canvassers must first register in the Office of the Dean of Students (301 Turner Student Services Building). Second, canvassers must register with each housing unit. Information regarding who to contact within each unit may be obtained at registration with the Office of Campus Regulations.
- B. Political Canvassing
- 1.
Door-to-door political canvassing is guaranteed in University housing subject to the General Conditions for Canvassing as well as door-to-door rules. In addition, politicalPolitical canvassers shall not solicit contributions or attempt to sell, or advertise for purposes of sale, any item. The sole purpose of the canvassing shall be one of the following:- a. to register voters
- b. to solicit signatures on a petition for purposes of legally qualifying an individual as a candidate
- c. to campaign for a political candidate for a municipal, township, school or other special district, county, statewide, or national election
- d. to present information (1) related to any amendment to the State of Illinois Constitution being presented for voter decision at a general election, or any amendment to the United States Constitution being presented for Illinois legislative decision; or (2) concerned with a public issue to be decided by a scheduled referendum in the governmental unit.
2. All canvassers shall register before canvassing. A canvassing permit will be issued if the applicant has completed the registration form, has not had a permit revoked in the last nine months, and agrees to abide by the general conditions for canvassing. Canvassers must first register in the Office of the Dean of Students (301 Turner Student Services Building). Secondly, canvassers must register with each housing unit. Information regarding who to contact within each unit may be obtained at registration with the Office of Campus Regulations.-
3.2. Canvassers campaigning for candidates wishing to schedule a formal meeting with a group of residents in public areas of a university residence hall must obtain permissionto canvass in University Residence Hallsfrom the hall student government or its duly authorized representative. The hall student government may impose limitations concerning time and location, and methods of canvassingon such meetings. The hall student government must follow procedures to reserve space with the appropriate housing authority of that unit.
- 1.
C. Canvassing for Student Elections-
If these
Ccanvasserscampaigning forrepresent candidates for the Illinois Student Government, the Urbana-Champaign Senate, student trustee, other offices for which students are the sole electorate, or student referenda , there must be equal time and opportunity given:must obtain permission to canvass in University Residence Halls from the student government of that unit or its duly authorized representative(s).If permission is granted to some canvassers, then canvassers for all candidates in a given election will have equal access , upon request.The student government may impose limitations concerning time, location, and methods of canvassing.-
D.C. Mailbox Policy-
Distribution of political literature in mailboxes of University Residence Halls for the purposes defined under section B.1.d above shall be guaranteed provided arrangements are made with the individual hall offices. Other literature may be distributed in accordance with the solicitation policy of each hall. Mailboxes may not be used for freely distributing political literature; only items representing official University business (financial aid materials, study abroad opportunities, etc.) and materials arriving via U.S. mail, package delivery services, and campus mail will be placed in students' mailboxes.