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April 27, 1998



Committee on Committees

(Final -Action)

CC.99.01 Nominations for Membership on the University Senates Conference (Usc)

There are nine (9) representatives from the Urbana campus to the University Senates Conference. Continuing members of the Urbana delegation to the USC, and the years their terms expire:

Gordon Baker VMED 1999
Geneva Belford ENGR 2000
Thomas Conry ENGR 2000
H. George Friedman ENGR 1999
Joan L. Klein LAS 2000
Terry Weech LISC 1999

The following faculty senators are nominated for three-year terms on USC, expiring in 2001.

If no additional nominations are made, the three (3) nominees below will be declared elected:
Richard Schacht LAS
Donald Uchtmann ACES
Heidi Von Gunden FAA

Committee on Committees

Nancy O’Brien, Chair

Kim Aichele

Carl Altstetter

May R. Berenbaum

Timothy Butler

Tom R. Ward

Cynthia Wilson

Richard E. Ziegler