November 9, 2009
Committee on Committees
CC.10.05 Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate and the Coordinating Committee for UI Online
To fill an academic professional seat vacated by Michael Jeffries
Heather Cups-Miller AP Term Expires 2011
To fill a student seat vacated by Peter Hughes
Amir Toumaj LAS Term Expires 2010
To fill an unfilled student seat
Harriett Green GRAD Term Expires 2010
Public Engagement
To fill a faculty seat vacated by John Marsh
Mats Selen ENGR Term Expires 2010
Coordinating Committee for UI Online
Nicholas Burbules EDUC
Committee on Committees
Kim Graber, Chair
Hannah Ehrenberg
Bettina Francis
Karen Hogenboom
Lance Kingston
David Olsen
Mary Ellen O’Shaughnessey
Ann Reisner
Lisa Spanierman
Robert C. Damrau, ex officio
Nominations from the floor must be accompanied by the nominee's signed statement of willingness to serve if elected. The statement shall be dated and include the name of the position to be filled. If present, the nominee's oral statement will suffice.