February 23, 2009
Committee on Committees
CC.09.07 Approval of Nominations for the Athletic Board
The Athletic Board includes seven faculty members (plus two Big Ten faculty representatives) and two student members who are appointed by the Chancellor from nominations submitted by the Urbana-Champaign Senate. (The Chancellor also appoints one student from nominations from the Student Athlete Advisory Board.) Terms of faculty ordinarily shall be four years; terms of students ordinarily shall be one year, with the possibility of reappointment for an additional year. The term of faculty members Larry DeBrock and Ann Nardulli and student members Jim Hanauer and Mallory Martin expire at the end of the annual meeting of the Athletic Board in the summer of 2009. Continuing members of the Athletic Board and the expiration of their terms are as follows:
Faculty: C. L. Cole MDA 2011
Cleo D’Arcy ACES 2011
John Erdman ACES 2010
E. Kevin Renshler AHS 2012
Christopher Span EDUC 2010
The Committee on Committees recommends approval of the following slate of nominees. (Submitted interest statements for nominees are here.)
To fill two faculty positions for terms expiring in 2013:
Adrian Burgos, Jr. LAS
Margaret S. Kelley LAS
Mary Mallory LIBR
Thomas Ulen LAW
To fill two student positions for terms expiring in 2010:
Emily Ganschinietz LAS
Lance Kingston GRAD
Lauren Minkina BUS
Dan O'Connor ACES
Committee on Committees
Kim Graber, Chair
Rebecca Bryant
Roy Campbell
Rohit Dhake
Bettina M. Francis
Al Kagan
Jaclyn O’Day
Zenobia Ravji
Ann Reisner
Nominations from the floor must be accompanied by the nominee's signed statement of willingness to serve if elected. The statement shall be dated and include the name of the position to be filled. If present, the nominee's oral statement will suffice.