April 21, 2008
Committee on Committees
CC.09.01 Nominations for Membership on the University Senates Conference (USC)
The University of Illinois Statutes, Article II, Section 2. a. (1) state:
The University Senates Conference shall be made up of twenty members. The basic representation shall be two members from each senate. Additional members shall be apportioned to each senate, at least one from each senate, in numbers proportional to the number of faculty members on each campus. The apportionment shall be recalculated every five years. Each senate shall elect its own representatives from its membership.
In accord with this passage from the Statutes, the University Senates Conference has recently recalculated its faculty apportionment among the Chicago, Springfield, and Urbana-Champaign campuses. As a result, there are now ten (10) representatives from the Urbana campus to the University Senates Conference. Continuing members of the Urbana delegation to the USC, and the years their terms expire:
Nicholas Burbules EDUC 2010
Vernon Burton LAS 2009
Karen Chapman-Novakofski ACES 2009
Barclay Jones ENGR 2010
Nancy O’Brien LIBR 2010
Richard Schacht LAS 2009
The following faculty senators are nominated for three-year terms on USC, expiring in 2011. (A bio-sketch of each nominee is included below.) If no additional nominations are made, the four (4) nominees below will be declared elected:
Joseph Finnerty BUS
Joyce Tolliver LAS
Terry Weech LISC
Matthew Wheeler ACES
Committee on Committees
Kim Graber, Chair
Rebecca Bryant
Roy Campbell
Al Kagan
Dana Rabin
Justin Randall
Rachel Schwartz
Jason Webber
Nominations from the floor must be accompanied by the nominee's signed statement of willingness to serve if elected. The statement shall be dated and include the name of the position to be filled. If present, the nominee's oral statement will suffice.
Joseph Finnerty (BUS)
Joe Finnerty has been a Professor of Finance at the U of I since 1984. He has served as the Chair of the University Statutes and Senate Procedures Committee . He has been a member of the Senate Executive Committee since 2002. He is a member of the University Senates Conference (USC) since and was a member of the Executive Committee of USC and chair of the USC Statutes Committee. He has also served as UIUC Senate and USC Observer to the Board of Trustee's meetings. He was a member of the Chancellor's Budget Committee which designed and implemented the current Campus Budget Oversight Committee (CBOC). He was a member of the Chancellor's Research Park Committees which laid the ground work for the South Farm's Research Park. He is currently chair of the Conference on Conduct Governance.
Joyce Tolliver (LAS)
Joyce Tolliver, Associate Professor of Spanish and Gender & Women's Studies, joined the faculty of the Dept. of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese in 1991. She is incoming Vice Chair of the Senate Executive Committee, and is finishing her first term on University Senates Conference. She also serves on Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity and Inclusion and on the Advisory Committee on the Academy for Capitalism and Limited Government. Last year, she was a member of the Sixth Senate Review Commission.
She was SIP Director of Graduate Studies and of Spanish Undergraduate Honors, and received the Graduate College Outstanding Mentor Award. In the Graduate College, she has served on the Executive Committee, the Programs Subcommittee, the Humanities and Creative Arts Area Committee of the Fellowship Board, and the Outstanding Mentor Selection Committee. In LAS, she has been a member of the Committees on Policy and Development, Humanities Scholarships and Honors, Courses and Curricula, Learning Communities Advisory Board, and the Teaching Academy Faculty Mentorship Program. She is an elected member of the Modern Language Association Delegate Assembly.
Terry Weech (LISC)
Terry's teaching and research interests at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science include Reference Services and Sources, Government Information, Library Administration, Library Cooperation and Networks, Library Use Instruction, and Economics of Information. He has worked at the Illinois State Library, the University of Illinois library, and has taught at the University of Iowa, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. He was head of the library science department at Mississippi University for Women. His master's and Ph.D. degrees are from the University of Illinois. He has been active in the American Library Association and many of its sections and divisions, including serving on the Public Library Association Board of Directors and the Editorial Board of the Reference and Users Services Association journal. In the Senate, he has served on many of its committees, including the University Senates Conference and the Senate Executive Committee.
Matthew Wheeler (ACES)
Professor Wheeler has a doctoral degree in physiology and biophysics, and has conducted over 23 years of research on embryo biology and transgenic livestock. Dr. Wheeler has published 89 peer-reviewed papers and 85 book chapters, proceedings or technical articles. Dr. Wheeler's responsibilities at UIUC include teaching and research in biotechnology and reproductive biology in the Departments of Animal Sciences, Veterinary Clinical Medicine and Bioengineering. Dr. Wheeler received his education at the University of California-Davis, Colorado State University, University of Virginia and University of Wisconsin. He was named University Scholar in 2002 and served as President of the International Embryo Transfer Society in 2005. Dr. Wheeler served as Chair of the Athletic Advisory Board from 1999-2002. He presently serves as a Faculty Athletic Representative to the Big Ten Conference and the NCAA. In the Senate Dr. Wheeler has served on the Admissions, Conduct Governance, and General University Policy Committees.